The art of Lamprey

f1axle 7

I've played the deck so far. It's workable against most glacier, Fast Advance deck & red coat deck. The win rate is fairly near 54% in 30 games.

Main tactic

1.Beg them to purge virus while you have autoscripter to install at no cost=>install Lamprey, Imp, even darwin with exact virus counter 3 => you have more time to set up.

2.When the time is right, like rushing out agenda to give up defence, making him/her low on credits=> lamprey to suck out their money down to 0, if possible.

3.Try to imp their asset economy, make sure they won't gain any profit from it.

4.Know their ICE position,strength,cost. If the Corp is shoort of 1 little credit, he/she can't afford to rez them. Lamprey out.

5.Duggar's is meant to find key single trump card or ICEbreaker suit in whole game, such as Sneakdoor Beta.


1.The corp is too fast to catch up, SEA-scorch,Biotic astro,they have full luck on drawing pieces ;-(

2.Missing ICEbreakers, yeah,very very bad luck.

3.Late game economy isn't that good.

4.Some corp player has some good awareness that they keep the speed down, put more ICE to guard all central server.

Any feedback please comment below.