Das Boot 5-2 Magnum Opus

x3r0h0ur 8956

This is the deck I took to the Magnum Opus. This grows out of my last 2 regionals decks, where I used CV+zer0, but noticed I had enough money to just make runs and get accesses and hold the corp down. Lots of testing went into the slots, and I found out that shadow net was the secret sauce to shutting down sports metal (often times by RFG'ing agendas until neither of us could score out lol). The fan sites are excellent recovery from Sea + CA + HHN, which I knew would be a big thing based on the decks I knew of going around. Its good in glacier too, click for 9 seems good. It also ensures you can always levy...if you can just get 1 agenda. And the main reason, Maker's Eye Spamming. So many fresh cards after a Rashida means lots of new accesses for you. I played 3 Maker's back to back vs a Sports Metal to snag out the win. In a meta where people are on Sports and CTM, you can get 2 or 3 fan sites out the gate.

I also noticed that I didn't really need to levy twice...often not even once if I could just get enough fan sites in the score area to fire repeated maker's eyes. Which is what this is all about. Its not the best vs 3kitty CTM, but vs 3 Ares, its pretty solid, because you can just money up, dig, money up, dig over and over. I wasn't sure if ark lockdown was going to be big because Maxx was anticipated to be a big ID. Enter, the Engolo

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I figured if they can ark all copies of one breaker, this gives you a good out. It helps push against rush (2 ice remotes are hard to be a problem, requiring 2 barriers or a destroyer/barrier combo), and could often be the only breaker you get on board vs CTM. I also knew that surveyor on and Fairchild 3.0 off MWL meant seeing more of that ice, and this reducing it to a hard 5 was really good. Shadowing for a retrun to get a free Engolo is awesome.

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The deck only dropped 2 games on the day when I got HHN'ed 2x and boomed by Azmari, missing a boom on a 3 card wanton vs 4 in HQ, and I stupidly Maker's Eyed against Mti, which fed me 2 snares (I guess they run snares?)

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The deck did its job and beat the CTMs and Sportsmetals I was up against, finishing 5-2 with my Azmari costing me 1 too many losses due to very unlucky flood.

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