
djackman 982

So, this is a Kit deck using lots of hardware and replicator.


Pro contacts and 9 burst econ cards lets you get threats out early.

Lockpick is absolutely insane with Kits ID. You are guaraunteed to use it every turn, and it will pay itself off within 1 turn of installing it.

Inside man is a better early play than replicator. It allows you to install most of the cards in your deck for free or close to it. six of those cards set you up with recurring credits that let you run with almost zero bankroll.

Pro Contacts and Replicator are draw engines. You'll certainly see your entire deck every game. Only play 1 replicator, discard the others.


By the end of most games, my program rig is usually:

3x Cyber Cypher

Corroder (usually on dinosaurus)

Ninja or Femme (sometimes on Dino)

Either that, or -1 Cyber cypher, +1 Nerve agent.

How NOT to play replicator:

Dont hold hardware in your hand if you can use it. Replicator is a tempting card to try and combo out stuff early, rather than capitalizing on Kits ID and being aggressive early. Ideally, you'll have either inside man or replicator out early (if you are really lucky, both). Dont hold on to that lockpick because you want to draw into a replicator first and play it. No matter what, this deck has one of the most explosive late games possible - dont sacrifice early agression because you want to get off a 'combo'.

Eventually, you'll hit an inside man and a replicator. At that point, every turn will look something like: card + credit, card + credit (or play what you just drew, especially if its one of your 9 burst econ cards), run, play hardware(and draw).

You'll see its pretty easy to keep that up once you are rolling. The problem, like any replicator deck, is you're likely to lose before you DO get rolling if the corp knows what they are doing at all. Thats why Kit works so well with it - cheap, consistant, and rather safe aggression.

Against Jinteki, Replicator is your main method of healing. you'll easily draw 2-3 cards a turn while still playing hardware, getting money, and running.

Scavenges let you reset cyphers, femme, and dinosaurus, and in a pinch, ressurect a breaker you might have unluckily lost due to damage. BE CAREFUL WITH CORRODER. there isn't much downside to playing it as soon as you draw it. Its a rare matchup where it wont be useful rather quickly, and losing it to program trash is obviously pretty bad.

Dont play Cypher on a remote unless:

- You are positive it will score you an agenda immediately, or
- Its mid-late game and its clear that will be their main fort (has 2+ rezzed ice on it).

Early game pressure will be on centrals, and will transition to everywhere as the game goes on. The deck will either tend to go for a more 'zoning' strategy of heavy hits on remotes while getting one R&D run off a turn, or will be alternating hits on R&D and HQ with nerve agent out.

I think Kit is uniquely suited to make good use of replicator. Her ability is not redundant with Replicator like Kate is - Kate gives you, essentially, drip econ, making the game more and more in your favor as turns go by. Thats kind of the same thing replicator does. Kit, on the other hand, lets you play cyphers for 2 (or 4, if you need to tutor) and put on the pressure with almost no set up. THIS is why I think replicator works better here - Kit allows for early aggression while still building to an unstoppable late game. Plus, Lockpick is clearly a beast of a card in this deck - it can easily save you 10 credits over the course of a game, and let you run with very little actual credits.

Inside man has performed well - its not hard at all to use it every turn once its out.

I have only played a handful of games with this list, but it has exceeded my (admittedly low) expectations. Plus, its really really fun.

18 Oct 2013 Alsciende

Beautiful, really beautiful. The lack of a single Escher makes me sad, though.