One Corp's Trash

DataFran 42

Interested in feedback. The goal is to use Logos to grab Keyhole and Hades Shard, then keyhole enough points into the trash to Shard them.

11 Oct 2014 Pinkwarrior

Think id stick in fall guy to help keep NACH up but i guess it really depens on how much running ur planning on doing. what do you plan on doing with the extra click each turn with Rachel personally id stick some tri-mafs in so you can stockpile tho's creds with the extra click's

11 Oct 2014 DataFran

It's not a run-heavy deck unless I'm Keyholing, I don't want to score agendas until I can score 7 points, I want Iain's ability to be my main economy engine. Rachel helps with the keyholing, that extra click can get another agenda into the trash, or be used to install the Shard once I there are enough there. It's never bad to have an extra click :)

I'll take a look at Tri-Maf. Thanks!

11 Oct 2014 DataFran

It's not a run-heavy deck unless I'm Keyholing, I don't want to score agendas until I can score 7 points, I want Iain's ability to be my main economy engine. Rachel helps with the keyholing, that extra click can get another agenda into the trash, or be used to install the Shard once I there are enough there. It's never bad to have an extra click :)

I'll take a look at Tri-Maf. Thanks!