Chaos Theory - Sage + Overmind overpumped V2

Trypios 2313

Finally, it's been months I'm trying to make Sage work and this is it! This deck needs about 8-10 turns to be complete and nets 6 click-less credits per turn. It works great against glacier decks, but can suffer a bit against NEH or tagstorms. When I play against FA, I usually only dig for essential pieces and forget about full rig.

Programs + Hardware

The main focus of this rig is pumping a Sage for Code Gates and Barriers and an Overmind for mostly sentries but it works for anything except Swordsman. If that's a problem; Mimic to the rescue!

Enough hardware in this deck mainly for beefing up the Sage:

Total: 13, down to 10 with full rig installed correctly. Mimic is not necessary, do not install unless you fear of Swordsman. Do not install, especially against Weyland since you might need the extra MU for an outer Curtain Wall.

Magnum Opus is essential for economy and should be installed early game. Later on can be scavenged onto the Leprechaun if Sage needs more MU power, or Overmind needs more counters.

1x e3 Feedback Implants will save plenty of Overmind's counters or some when using Sage.

Overloaded Overmind + pumped Sage + e3 Feedback Implants are more than enough to break anything, except Swordsman. That's the only reason Mimic is here for . Once Overmind counters are all spent, it can be recycled for free with Scavenge with about 10 counters on it, when fully rigged.

Pressuring centrals? Nothing better than 2x R&D Interfaces & a Nerve Agent.


Deck needs serious economy for installing everything and breaking big ICE.

  • Magnum Opus is essential.
  • 3x Modded is like click-less econ while installing hardware/programs. 9 discount
  • 3x Underworld Contacts
  • 3x Data Folding
  • 3x The Supplier, always mulligan for! Host all resources and hardware on it when able, it will save a ton of and will help with the insane card draw early game, no need to discard cards.


Card draw

24 card draw in 6 is plenty!