La Silent - 4th @ Italian National 2024

koga 3001

My netrunner dad Darta recently picked up the Slay the Spire boardgame and we played it together for a while with Silent Arbiter and wowarlok. I had not played the videogame yet, but it was enjoyable and I accidentally managed to draft an infinite damage combo on the first run without even realizing it. The thursday night game, just before the event, I managed to build my best non-combo deck to date. I decided it had to be a sign considering that, combined with the corp pick I was going for, I had the chance of trying to get the Anarch-Weyland challenge for Nats again. So naturally, I picked the Silent-est runner I could think of, did a bunch of runs to adjust to multiple drafting situations, took tuno's Spark Esa build, changed it a bit to play into Jinteki without much preparation and just sent it.

I think I probably overdid it a little, Revolver may not be entirely needed, but it did do something on the day. Hippo was meant as a Sisyphus emergency button (which made Council crack an amazing laugh at one point), Light the Fire! acted as upgrade tech (mostly unnecessary at the event). Fwiw not having a chance of Pinholeing Charlottes is not something I'd recommend in this meta, especially considering how annoying Jinteki can be. Still, I hadn't played Esa in a long time and it was quite refreshing.

I can't wait for Dawn to drop and shake things up, hoping for some new and interesting stuff to play.

Huge thanks to wowarlok for organising Nats, Atien for the stream setup (check out games here), Porkobolo for bringing Altered decks, ALFlex for rezzing Liiga-signed Tyrs, Council for ensuring I keep my 2-timer spot, TAIBs for filling the top cut almost entirely and everyone there for just existing and making it a great weekend. I've been really tired due to real life obligations lately, but you've helped me relax a bit and get out of my head for a while, which is not something I take for granted in my life.

5 Oct 2024 Silent Arbiter

You did indeed Slay the Spark.

8 Oct 2024 benticurus

Do you get much value out of Mystic Maemi? Seems like it only comes in hand with a few cards, especially if Ghosttongue is on the table.

9 Oct 2024 benticurus

I see now that Mystic Maemi can be used for random trashes to clicklessly trigger Strike and Steel.

10 Oct 2024 koga

@benticurus my take on the reason for its inclusion in the original list is that it helps a lot with playing Chastushkas and Ashen without losing much tempo and is amazing when you don't find an early Ghosttongue. Cut them at your peril.