[8th Ulm regional] Sometimes be running

Aterriblesound 74

Early pressure is key with this deck, just be sure you can recover from hard-hitting news. The last minute include of No One Home was super worth it, taxing those pesky NBN folks. Save those Logic Bombs for late game unless you have a really, REALLY good reason. They can also be reclaimed if in a pinch. Which did happen once.


1) vs. Titan: Atlas train drove all over my deck. Massive loss

2) vs. Blue Sun: Got lucky with a contract killer trash, eliminating the punitive threat. I was sweating heavily when i pulled the last agenda from R&D and a little proud. Win

3) vs. NISEI Division: Lost almost all psi-games but got an information lock on R&D and the hand (got bless corporate defector!). Win

4) vs. Outfit: Reversed Accounts kept me poor, but Film critic worked overtime again and my opponent was not able to draw the kill package. Win.

5) vs. Palana: Made the mistake of installing Film critic early and letting my opponent know, that his Obokatas weren't save. So he just went to score without hesitation and it worked like a charm. Loss

6) vs. Gagarin (Top Cut): I hab quite low expectations for this matchup but even those were not met with my mulliganed opening hand. Died via assasination. Loss

7) vs. CtM (Top Cut): One of the most tense matches i have maybe ever played. Got 4 tags and had one round to win. Accessed 2 cards from a 3 card hand and missed the Beale needed to win. Loss

29 Jul 2019 Mindmonkey

AKA konstanz's l(o/a)st hope.