Dedicated Nation-Builder

Dramon 1

Weyland Consortium: Builder of Nations is a wonderful ID, yet super underplayed. Builder o' Nations is great because of a few reasons: First and foremost, the MDS. 40 card minimum is wonderful for drawing the cards you need when you need them. Secondly, it means all your ICE get an additional "When Encountered" sub.

Dedication Ceremony is the main champ of the deck. Put it on Anson Rose, on Mumbad Construction Co., on a rezzed piece of ICE or simply on one of the Renovations. Jackson Howard and Preemptive Action allow us to recycle the Dedication Ceremony and reuse them.

Hollywood Renovation is a great card. Often, you'll just want to rush-score it, but if you have a strong remote when you get it down, you can keep it around for extra ICE advances.

Oaktown Renovation gives you money. It's a Weyland agenda and it gives you money. Anybody wanna ask why I put it in?

Anson Rose and Mumbad Construction Co. are useful for advancing your ICE, and work great with Dedication Ceremony.

Reversed Accounts lets you hit the runner hard, and combos with our Dedication Ceremony for a strong delaying play.

Trick of Light can be used similarly to Dedication Ceremony, but it is less powerful in most cases. It is useful to score Atlases, but most cases you would prefer a Dedication Ceremony.

29 May 2017 Ektheleon

This feels like it really wants to run Bryan Stinson