Project Kusleenagi

lostgeek 3706

Slee loves Jinteki!

Score an early Project Kusanagi and start laying down your beastly Macrophages, Chiyashi, Data Ward and Komainus. Drop the two hell spawns in a somewhat secure server and let the carnage begin. Add the Kusanagi subs when they run into your ICE. If they can break it: good for them, they are poor now. If they don't, make sure Slee has her fun and help her out with a Neural EMP, would you?

If they trash your Slee+Caprice, rinse and repeat.

I had lots of fun with this deck on Won around half the games. Some by killing, some by just taxing the runner out and creating gaping scoring windows.

Have fun and happy sleeing!

Fun note: Stacking Macrophages is great, if they don't run a Gordian Blade. Likewise Mongoose can't deal with stacked Komainus.

Side note: Unsure about the two Shinobi, since they did not fire once in my games. Feel free to suggest replacements!

9 Apr 2017 Handsome Jack

I absolutely love adding subs to horrible pieces of ICE like Macrophage. Just might have to take this for a spin!

9 Apr 2017 lostgeek

Thanks :) And I even forgot the most important point: Paraşifring ICE won't help you against Slee!

11 Apr 2017 djkokakola

So sneaky. Thanks for the great games!