1st Place ANRPC Qualifier: Advanced Pragmatism

Wookieeofdoom 174

Well, I went to my local ANRPC Qualifier on 8/22 with the intention of just having fun and not to do especially well since I won't be able to go to the big event in October. So I decided to give Anarch a rest and try out Leela, whom I like very much. I am not the most experienced Criminal player, preferring Anarch first then Shaper, but I came across d23's Thug Life Leela and decided to use that as a template. I am huge fan of having more money than necessary so I went with Desperado and Security Testing, both of which put in some major work. I also slotted in Drug Dealer, since I figured Desperado would offset the lost credit and it would give me much needed card draw. Turns out I am pretty big fan of this card, but it did make me wonder where Leela went wrong in her life. She is a drug addicted gang member who has no problems doing drive bys. A sad life for such a pragmatic person.

Anyways she went completely undefeated in a pool of 21 players, going against Black Knight Blue Sun, HB Fast Advanced, Standard RP and Butcher Shop Harpsichord Studios. Most of these games were real nail biters that I won by the skin of my teeth, especially against the RP where he was at game point with a Nisei token, a rezzed Caprice and a double advanced Future Perfect. I top decked a Nisei MK II, bounced the future perfect to hq, ran hq and won the psi game. Amazing stuff, Leela is so disruptive.

Anyways, these cards are all self explanatory. Just a pile of good criminal cards. Drive By sniped multiple SanSans, Hacktivist snagged many a card. Good stuff. Criminal is alive and well.

27 Aug 2015 mmychal

Just started testing your build on Jinteki.net today. I did make one small change and maybe you can talk me out of it, but I went with 45 cards, replacing the 2x Drug Dealers with 1x Faerie. Drug Dealer just scares me, I guess. I see your comment above, but in practice, I did "hate" clicking to draw.

I did find that in doing so, I end up clicking to draw. A lot. My one loss in four games thus far with my configuration has come to Haarpsichord flatline. I made a dumb dumb mistake.

I find that I am clearing tags after Account Siphons which is fine. the Gang Signs and HQIs put a lot of pressure on the Corp.

Despite the popular reports to the contrary, Security Testing is still solid against several decks. I keep wanting the third Emergency Shutdown but won't tweak anymore.

Hacktivist Meeting has yet to work for me but I only got it one time and it was immediately countered by a current from the Corp. Only 4 games in so far.

27 Aug 2015 sruman

How did Utopia Shard preform? Worth swapping it out for Film Critic? Or perhaps swapping out the hacktivists.

27 Aug 2015 Wookieeofdoom

@sruman Thank you for the comment. The deck is designed around hq disruption, and Utopia Shard does just that. Between Hactivist, Gang Sign and Utopia Shard, HQ just isn't safe it all for the Corp. It forces them to make sub-optimal plays just to get agendas out of their hand. Utopia also has the added benefit against combo cards like Sea Source/Scorched Earth and Biotic Labor. I did seriously consider running Film Critic or Mimic instead of it, but I wanted to see how it performed first. I need to play the deck more to really make sure if it stays or not.

27 Aug 2015 Wookieeofdoom

@mmychal Drug Dealer is legit bro. I was iffy on it too but in practice it is pretty great. I never played more than one at a time and since I constantly made runs, Desperado easily offset the lost credit. Seriously passive draw, especially on the Corp's turn is pretty awesome. I would not play Drug Dealer in the Logos version of this deck.

20 Sep 2015 Aerosaucer

I really want to get this down to 46 cards, but don't know what to cut. Every candidate I come up with, there's a good reason not to cut it. Wookie, in your experience playing the deck, what's the most cuttable?

20 Sep 2015 Wookieeofdoom

@Aerosaucer If your meta isn't fragging at the moment, I would cut plascrete. If not, I have no idea. That's the reason why it's 46. Honestly with drug dealer it works just fine, I never had a problem finding what I needed. Maybe visage? Maybe?