Criminal: Expose and trash

squaxor 7

The idea of this deck is to expose Corp cards using Infiltration or Drive By then punish the Corp with Blackguard to or spend the cash.

I also want to get into HQ with Sneakdoor Beta or when they score an agenda Gang Sign, then use HQ Interface to access two cards.

Stealing agendas will also costs the Corp a click using Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist

Logos and Desperado gives me 2 which yields 1 through Data Folding

UPDATE I've made a few changes thanks to @FarCryFromHuman Added e3 Feedback Implants, Knight, Clone Chip, Imp and removed a few ICE.

15 Jul 2015 linuxmaier

Note that you still can't use Logos and Desperado together. Consoles are 1 per player, as it says on their card text.

16 Jul 2015 squaxor

Thanks @linuxmaier. I'm going to edit my deck now accordingly.