Government Bail Out

Hadhfang 20

Still a work in progress. Ideally would like to get it down to 49 cards, swapping out Project Atlas for a couple more one point agendas. Most likely Superior Cyberwalls. The idea is similar to never advance for the majority of the game, play tonnes of cards face down and then every so often score for a mighty one point and inch ever closer to victory. Mark Yale makes the majority of these agendas free to score- Advance for three, score, spend the agenda counter for three credits. Hostile Takeover becomes crazy good econ as well with this, allowing me to run slightly less econ than I otherwise might.

The Board is in because I was determined to put it into a deck, and this seems to fit it. It requires some careful play, and a dug in server to protect it, but if I can install it with decent protection, it should in theory keep me safe if the runner gets a wad of Agendas. It also helps slow the game down if they score Government Takeover. Speaking of which, Government Takeover will also go into a pretty dug in server too, inching ever closer to victory turn by turn. Reversed Accounts is in to act as a decoy for that, though I am contemplating swapping these out for Project Junebug or maybe Cerebral Overwriter - I would need to rejig some influence to get two of them in, but it would pack a bigger punch, and potentially stop running that server being a no-lose proposition for the runner.

As for the Ice, the only thing that I feel is staying for definite is Architect. This along with Jackson Howard gives much needed recursion for all the traps. Ireress helps to deal with the bad pub, but other than that I'm intending to play around and find Ice that is fun/works.