Bounce Town

tyrellian 3465

Welcome to Bounce Town!

In this meta of glaciers and megacorps, it's time for some old school games of cat and mouse, of forcing the corp to change it's play to play around your blocks.

I feel like this deck is on to something, and is rewarding and interesting for both the Corp and Runner (skilled play on both sides required), but it needs the brainy minds of NetrunnerDB to bring it to fruition (that's YOU!).

When it's done, I promise I'll publish it with a "Can o Whupass" equivalent write up as well, but until then - please Frankenfix my baby!

Some notes:

The idea is to set up the Corp with threats to all servers, but unexpected ones that are hard for a standard corp to work around.

  1. Fisk Investment Seminar increases agenda density in hand, making Gang Sign/HQ interface threatening. It also speeds up my set up of my cheap resources ahead of agendas.
  2. Should they dump agendas, getting in to archives or Hades Sharding allows you to bounce cards, reversing a number of game states like an agenda mid score, or opening up a central for Account Siphon or Keyhole.
  3. Shuffling back in to R&D is nice, but Keyhole ruins your day.
  4. Play too much around Leela and you'll eventually find yourself decked, as I steal shamelessly from @Jandersoncad and his brilliant Shadow Net/Deja Vu recursion system for Fisk, with an Eden Shard thrown in for good measure - if I sense the corp is durdling their set up to try and keep no agendas in hand I'll start milling.
  5. Eater is the simplest way to allow Shard fires, account siphon, keyhole and protect yourself when running blindly in to a remote to try to absorb money or accesses. The main way you get in however is Inside Job and using The Shadow Net to have an inside job whenever you want (with Fan Site as fuel).

Style points for firing Hades Shard, stealing an agenda, and then bouncing back something the Corp is midway through scoring so it goes back in to their hand.

Some specific card choices: 1. [Tapwrm](/en/card/11104 is to create a line where you fisk and then install tapworm, forcing the corp to either play their cards and give me money, or purge. 2. Account Siphon (with Aaron Marrón) and Inside Job punish weak defences on centrals or scoring remotes. 3. Unscheduled Maintenance is surprisingly effective after a Fisk Investment Seminar (or Fisk/Utopia Shard, or a mega-bounce from Leela) - all this ice, and nowhere to put it but the bin! 4. Councilman punishes attempts to rez Jackson and shuffle before an Archives access, forcing them to do it right before you Fisk 'em again; it's also good to deal with surprise rezzes. 5. Keyhole both assists with the decking strategy and can help you filter for agendas that can bounce a scoring remove or re-open archives. 6. Political Operative is more for Crisium Grid, but it can also be amusing to knock down a Sandburg or IT Department that they try to rez so you can't bounce them.

Deckbuilding notes, questions:

  • I have tried dropping a Fan Site for Utopia Shard, and it's good for combo decks; fire right after they use biotic labor, or fire and fire Hades to try to reverse a strong defense.

  • Money can be a problem with this deck if you aren't getting good draws of your gambles and Daily Casts. I've slotted a Kati in but she feels like a distraction from your setup, and most corps take forever to start scoring against me, so Shadow Net can't give me juicy Sure Gamble scores. This is also why no Polyhistor - too expensive and one per turn. This is particularly an issue with asset spammers like BioEthics. Damn you Temüjin Contract for your one influence MWL!

  • Would love to be able to actually access cards but Eater is just so good. Wish there were other clever bypass tools. Looking at the new criminal breakers, but the fact that they trash after use means they tax recursion my precious Leela has to use for Fisking. I suppose there is Mammon and e3 Feedback Implants or Overmind but their low base strength actually catches up with this deck quite a bit. Brute-Force-Hack and Maxwell James seem good on paper, but most corps will out money you and then just re-rez it.

Looking forward to you genius runners of nets and your crazy jank ideas!

5 May 2017 Cantor

I like it. I like it a lot.