The Gambler

Scorcho1108 47

This is a trick deck using Mushin No Shin to trick the opponent into either flatlining themselves, or letting you get off an extremely powerful agenda.

Obviously the flatlining can come through Junebugs or Overwriters, but the star of the deck is Mandatory upgrades. If you can Mushin it out on turn one or two, then AAA and score, you will have a pretty easy time winning the game by just scoring the rest out of hand, not to mention all the good things having 4 clicks a turn gives you otherwise.

The success of this deck is dependent entirely on your ability to read your opponent, and quite a bit of luck. If you can get them to eat a trap early on, or let through something boss, then you'll do okay. Otherwise, it'll be a fight, but that's the fun thing about the deck. You'll never play a dull game.

17 Dec 2014 dtelad11

I really like this design - you might want to check a similar deck here:

Comparing the two lists - seems to me like you might want a bit more ice, 15 seems a bit low. I think that Project Ares is a pretty amusing inclusion, though I'm not sure it's as effective as ABT/NAPD. Last but not least, I tried Shell Corporation for a bit and it seems like it wants a highly defended server - I doubt you can achieve that with your ice mix (no ASH, no Caprice, no big ice) so you might want to use some other economy card.

17 Dec 2014 Scorcho1108

A word on the Shell Corp:

Shell Corp is an upgrade, so the idea is that you can throw it on a failed trap, and if the runner wants to access it, they've to be willing to eat the brain/net damage to get there. I'm not in love with the card and I may still switch it out, but that's the thinking there.

As far as the low ice goes. Since you're not really protecting more than 1, maybe 2 remotes, you can dedicate everything to your central servers. It may still need more ice, but I don't think it needs much.

17 Dec 2014 dtelad11

Right - I completely forgot that you can plop Shell Corp on a failed Junebug/Overwriter!! Scratch what I said in the previous comment. Just watch out that they don't Account Siphon you to zero and then trash the Shell Corp.