Autonomy Codex

LynxMegaCorp 1343

The idea is to play like a Shaper and prepare for an unstoppable end game 'rig'. Adam's advantage is that his two-click break ability allows him to maintain pressure on HQ and remotes while setting up.

Ideal play:

Kati and Inside Man early to stockpile credits and install any hardware drawn by Drug Dealer (which avoids low hand size) and Visage. Stockpiling also means you are less impacted by forced trashing, if any. Scrubber might have a spot here.

Install as many hardware as possible until you have what you feel is enough, 1x of each Interface, 1 or 2 LLDS, Autoscripter and maybe a Dyson or 4. All you need is a means to pressure. Once London Library is drawn, you are ready to attack.

You will use Independant Thinking to trash the Inside Men, unloaded Kati and possibly Safety First and /or Always Be Running (to hold the flood of cards if needed). By now if you don't have Femme or Overmind, tough luck.

Ideal rig before commencing Obliterate Corporation:

Autoscripter, London Library, some Dysons / Multithreader, LLDS xSeveral and Interfaces. It is even better if you get a Technical Writer out. It'll let you continue your assault well into the game.

Your protocol(s):

Single unrezzed ice server: Femme, run, profit.

Single rezzed ice server: Overmind (if Femme isn't better for whatever reason), run, profit.

Double ice server, both unrezzed: This should not happen since you can safely run most ice with Adam's click break + Femme shenans, but tough if it does. Install Femme and Overmind to be safe.

Chances are at this stage a single Overmind can handle most servers. Multi-ice routines could be a nuisance, so do not be afraid to find space for e3 Feedback Implants, for I bet they look great on Adam.

Obviously the Corp ID will influence your decisions. FA probably won't require much setup. Go for R&D lock asap and keep those drugs coming. Glacier style becomes an issue with 3 ice-deep servers so keep the Corp spending with Femme pressure.

Just about every card has a use, and when that's not the case, think for yourself and make it so.