Babby's first runner - Advice please!

Grumblecorn 70

My first attempt at a criminal deck. My idea was to just try to get a strong economy to pay for basic breakers while trying to disrupt the corp's economy through ICE sabotage, such as Muertos Gang Member, Emergency Shutdown, and forged activation orders.

The deck is far from perfect, and any advice some more experienced runners can give would be A+++ appreciated!

7 Sep 2015 Bigguyforyou518

Put in Fall Guy's to protect your over-stuffed Off-Campus Apartment, and then play Tri-maf Contact's on it for more reliable economy.

The only icebreaker you really want to see early is a killer (sentry-breaker), so I would suggest have more than 2 of those (and Femme Fatale is so expensive that she barely counts). 3x Faerie usually gets you through the early game nicely.

Everything else is pretty solid. I would probably trade the Grifters for Security Testings (it's just a better card, and similarly works well with Desperado). I would also reconsider the 6 influence you're investing in Human First - with all of your main icebreakers having only one copy, it might be a good idea to spend that influence on recursion (cards that bring other cards back from your heap like Clone Chip) in case the Corp manages to trash them.

7 Sep 2015 Yziel

I'm not sure you've realized Human First is unique and can't be stacked, that's a lot of influence and card slots tied up in fsirly low impact cards. I'd cut them for +1 corroder, +1 gordian blade +1 mimic. Drop Ninja and probably the spare Mr Lee to go down to 45 cards. I'd cut the Calling in Favours for +1 Account Siphon and two more connections, Supplier maybe? Or just two Fall Guy for safety.