Green Sable (3rd at Worlds 2023)

Odol 1684

This is the runner list that took me to 3rd place at Worlds 2023. All the credit for deckbuilding goes to the Unband team, and most prominently to Sokka, as it was his final iteration that I decided to go with.

I saw many good Sable lists at Worlds, and I am unable to decide which one is the best. What I like about this one is the aggression. Most of our economy depends on successful runs, so we start applying pressure early on, controlling the board, forcing ice rezzes and disrupting the ice structure with Hermes... Our economy if not infinite, unfortunately, as there is no Cezve to sustain us, so we just keep going until we run out of resources and then close the game with that 1x Deep Dive.

The 3x Flip Switch help us with the aggression, as we do not need to fear a Hagen or Stavka that would destroy our beautiful rig. The option to remove a Tag without spending a click also proved to be invaluable, as the concentration of NBN on top tables proved to be significantly higher than I had expected.

A significant downside of this list is that it just folds to glacier, so deciding to go with it was a strong meta call, and I am genuinely glad I did not have to face Sokka's Built to Last list in the top cut!

Once again, Big Congratulations to Sokka for not only making World Champion two years in a row, but also for being the author of two drastically different runner lists in the top3. Well done, my friend!

Also, Pinhole Threading is highly overrated :)

23 Oct 2023 5N00P1

Usually I would say congrats on the good showing, but where is Smoke? Did you get brainwashed? Where is the Odol I know? Sleeves don't count! OK, nevertheless, congratulations! Really impressive!

24 Oct 2023 Sokka

Congratulations on an amazing performance! Iā€™m extremely happy the Sable did so well for you! šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š

26 Oct 2023 Council

Odol unchained

So proud of you! My heart broke in Seminfinals but still extremely good showing, really demonstrating your impeccable skill on both sides.

13 Nov 2023 Zoehope

Hi Odol, I wanted to write and thank you for sharing this amazing list. I played it at UK Nats and had a great run in a field that was generally pretty rough on Runners! It got me three wins out of seven, and I think I could have closed out a fourth too on another day. It was so fun to play with!