Not janky enough, Brah?

esutter479 322

x3r0h0ur made a suggestion that I consider Patron in here. Can anyone help me find room for it? I'm still not sure what to cut...but figured it couldn't hurt to put the next iteration out there.

3 May 2016 thesm17

What about swapping the Plascrete with Sports Hopper? If you know you need to get in again next turn but can't spare the click draws to get the programs back installed you can pop it and be on your way?

3 May 2016 esutter479

That's a good point! They cost the same as Plascrete, and I almost wonder if I go that route, if I should use Net-Ready Eyes instead of Personal Touch in case I need to bounce Brahman itself.

3 May 2016 thesm17

I can't tell how much flexibility you're going to need. NRE is generally more flexible, and could be useful if you're having to use Zu to get through Turings. I think that makes me feel favorable to NRE.

And at worst your new bike gets you link. Even against HB you might install it just to make Ash/Viktor 2 traces easier.

3 May 2016 esutter479

True that, trace help could come in handy, too! I wonder if I should go down to 2 Faeries and add in a Savoir-Faire, also. Talk about flexibility...that, SMC, Kate's ID...lots of possibilities there.

4 May 2016 Lupus Yonderboi

With 3xSMC, you can safely cut for 1xMagnum Opus, 1xSahasrara and 1xScheherazade, at least and get 3xPatron (or 2xPatron and something else along).

Also, I would get rid of MoPus and Akamatsu and find another econ engine.

4 May 2016 esutter479

Thanks for the feedback, Lupus. :) Initially, my thoughts were that MOpus is the most compact econ engine, and being able to play it for 4 credits is worth least to try out. IMO, it's hard to beat that sort of econ engine in this type of deck. The breakers are inexpensive, and the supporting programs and hardware only add to the crazy janky fun.

Were you thinking perhaps ProCon and Daily Casts or something like that?

9 May 2016 Lupus Yonderboi

I didn't give that much thoughts, to be honest, I'm just bugged by the fact that Brahman+MoPus already takes 4 MU, which asks for heavy memory solution with slots, clicks and dead draws.

But now I think about it, I'd keep that with following changes : -3x Akamatsu -2x Maya +3x Net Chip +2x Scavenge

Scavenge so you can reallocate an early MoPus or Brahman on Net Chip, and give value to your LLDS Proc later in the game.