FemMopus Fatale

BTrain 2971

With femmes like these, who needs enemies?

In the past, I've been hard on Magnum Opus, saying it doesn't have a place in stealth builds, and that it's notoriously slow to get off the ground. But now that the moon is setting on the Lunar cycle, corps are slowing things down a bit; I've seen more and more glacier builds, and I've been starting to feel that Kati and ProCo can sometimes have trouble keeping up. So I've tweaked things a bit and found that by adding Femme Fatale into the mix, a lot of the previous problems I've had navigating early servers and managing stealth credits just aren't that big a deal anymore.

Femme combos beautifully with Kit's ability. Test Run her when the corp is trying to sneak out an agenda behind a two-ice server, and bypass the innermost ice. Scavenge her if you need to, otherwise let her go back on the stack and discard her to be used for a future Test Run if you don't want to hard install her with Mopus money. She also has the added benefit of taking the stealth pressure off Dagger. As long as you build up a solid bank, you won't have any problem running with fewer stealth creds, because in a worst case scenario, you can always pay to break that sentry with Femme. Yes, it can be pricey, but it's better than losing your rig, or giving up a free agenda.

With the corp economy trending toward the beefier side, I've brought Vamp down to one copy - great when you use it, no big loss if you don't.

Deus X recursion is your protection against net damage, and Mopus keeps you safe from the SEA Scorch. Add a Plascrete if you'd feel safer. The most obvious card to cut would be Escher, but I'd have to say that will win you far more games than a Plascrete would.