
ntahfs 462

Greetings everyone!!

This is my fist published deck! I am happy to hear some feedback. But, let me give you a short disclaimer. I have played a very limited number of games so far. I fully expect to receive some constructive and insightful feedback from the community. I'm certain there are many aspects that I don't yet know about. Thanks!


I picked up A:NR about a month ago, and I really like it. It offers a lot of variety and I'm constantly finding new and cool combinations that I think are amazing (they may not always work out in the end, though).

As practice, I have been building decks from the cards that I own. So, this deck is made from only the packs that I own (core set, deluxe expansions, and the Flashpoint cycle through Intervention, so far). I know there could be some other cards that might work better, but I want to figure out what works from the options I have, and this one feels pretty strong and it's fun to play. I have trouble with some fast advance decks, and sometimes I get overwhelmed with tags, but this deck feels pretty good so far.

The idea:

The idea is fairly simple. It is built around installing programs and hardware. Technical Writer gets pretty lucrative, but they can become a big target if you get tagged or maybe for a Best Defense; it's probably a good idea to cash them out if they get to a decent size, like maybe 5-10 credits. And, Aesop's Pawnshop lets you get even more value from those recurring programs (Black Orchestra and Paperclip) while Sahasrara or Scavenge reduce the install cost turning the value into profit; so does Freelance Coding Contract.


The ideal opening hand is Clone Chip, Self-modifying Code, and a couple Sure Gambles with Magnum Opus for use on turn 2. However, Aesop's Pawnshop is hard to come by as a 1-of, so it is very tempting to keep it if you get it.

Other acceptable openings include some combination of Black Orchestra/Paperclip with Freelance Coding Contract and some other programs with Clone Chip/Scavenge. Or, some Omni-drives with a breaker or two. There's nothing that you really want to wait for later in the game, so it's pretty straightforward to play, even if you don't get an ideal start, you can build into the rig as it comes.

Against some damage-heavy builds it is important to get Feedback Filter out early with Magnum Opus in order to tank some damage. And, against some ice, it is very helpful to get Hunting Grounds out in order to prevent those otherwise unavoidable encounter effects. But, these are usually not apparent until the game is underway.

The rest of the rig is butter as it gets built. Clone Chips let you dig for SMCs to pull more programs from your stack or reuse trashed programs from your heap which give you draw with the ID.


There's some flexibility with the Reprogrammer. For instance, it's best to put the breakers on Omni-drives if you can, but you can usually dump and pull them with Aesop's Pawnshop and Scavenge or Clone Chip if you can't land them there initially. Similarly, it's possible to reset Atman on a new target, so it might be worth a temporary install in the early game to get past some measly thing if it's all you've got. It can be trashed and pulled back to reset it. Same with Femme Fatale, but that and The Toolbox are the big investments in this deck. They can be hard to find the right window to plop them down. It usually takes a turn of Magnum Opus milking for me to feel comfortable with that expense.

I generally try to save Rumor Mill and Employee Strike to counter other currents or if an agenda is threatened. And, sometimes it's feels good to let them dump agendas or other priority cards with the hope of Jackson Howard, or to let them build their hand up in Cerebral Imaging only to bring it all crashing down with a well-timed current. (Also, Same Old Thing should be saved to recur the currents (or Levy AR Lab Access if you get milled).

The Plan:

The general plan of attack is pretty flexible. You should have enough economy (especially mid- to late-game) to run anywhere. Sometimes you might need to credit up off of Magnum Opus, but you get a decent amount of recurring credits from Omni-drives and The Toolbox to fuel your runs.

Archives Interface and Top Hat let you threaten centrals moderately. It's enough that the corp will probably want to spread their ice across centrals (if they didn't already plan to) in order to avoid easy access. And, Paricia gives you an efficient way to deal with those 4- or 5-cost assets easily.

This breaker suite lets you get in anywhere (centrals or remotes), and the Magnum Opus coupled with the Technical Writer give you enough fuel to keep going almost every turn if you have a target. If not, you can sit back and credit up.


And, finally there are the link/hand boosts from Borrowed Satellite which give you a reasonable counter to traces and Booms (if you stay disciplined and keep your credits up and your hand size full).

21 Nov 2016 ntahfs

Please leave me comments. I know this is not a typical ID for a competitive deck, but I feel like this is a reasonable build. Thanks!

21 Nov 2016 zengoshugoju

Really neat build, will try it. I've messed around with an Exile 'chess' deck, but this has some cards I haven't tried. Nice writeup, always good to see the process behind the build.

21 Nov 2016 ntahfs

Thanks, Zen! I wish you good success.