Enhanced Replication

obscurica 1317

No Bio-Ethics Association?


What you do is, you shove it all to the runner's turn. You put down a few Synth DNA Modifications. You put up a giant wall of AP Ice -- in particular Kakugo, where the very act of breaking it triggers Synth for two to FOUR TIMES the damage, all unpreventable by normal icebreaker-oriented means.

Sandburg and a thick wad of Sundews and PAD Campaigns makes it all the harder, turning a one-strength barrier with a nasty break condition into a late-game steel-plated wall.

Then, when they get through, it's all sorts of annoyances. They already spent a click for Jinteki: Replicating Perfection's base condition. Sure, they want to keep the Synth DNA Modification engine from going off. But doing so in the face of Ronald Five and the Jackson Howard/Friends in High Places recursion slows down the runner's game to the speed of molasses, regardless of their strategy -- not to mention the great frustration they face when a Marcus Batty or classic Caprice Nisei psi game shoves them off the server entirely (for bonus laffs, use Marcus Batty to trigger Excalibur on the central server run).

Suddenly, the runner's thinking "maybe I SHOULD make the influence space for a Rumor Mill or two after all..." If they did, maybe they'd have the clicks to ensure a healthy hand. Maybe they'd have the cash to trash the Synths before the four-damage Kakugo special strips their hand.

Maybe they'd have an answer before Contract Killer catches them with a hand stripped bare by Fetal AI.

Then again... maybe not.