
ksylves 42

I've been playing around with this deck for a while and I think I finally hit on a working formula. There are some great synergies here between Oracle May, Motivation, Eureka!, and Test Run. The Same Old Things are also especially critical for revisiting your Test Runs, Tinkerings, and Indexings.

Drawing multiples of cards you only need one of can be problematic; consider dropping a Magnum Opus for another Indexing or Eureka!. Can't do much about the multiple Dinosauruseses or Motivations though, really need those early and don't have a way to search for them.

1 Aug 2014 Fox Ex Machina

Even with Dinosaurus in play, you don't have enough MU to reliably use Magnum Opus, do you? Your full rig of Corroder and Femme Fatale + Magnum Opus leaves no room for Datasucker or Deus X. Perhaps economy through Armitage Codebusting or Kati Jones?

1 Aug 2014 ksylves

I had an earlier iteration of this deck with additional memory, but was finding that it was really slowing everything down. You'd be surprised how much you can do without a "full" breaker suite with this deck thanks to Kit's ability and Tinkering. I'll typically try to get out a Datasucker, Magnum Opus, and one of my other breakers as needed for any given game. By the late game, it may be practical to sacrifice the Magnum Opus if you need need the rest of the suite. The main reason I've stuck with Magnum Opus over resource economy is the ability to search for it with Test Run if necessary. Also important: if you can get Motivation/Oracle May out early that's also a great way to get two credits and a card every turn.

1 Aug 2014 BTrain

If you want extra MU, you could drop a Scavenge and an Indexing. You won't be Scavenging too much other than for the combo with Test Run, which kind overlaps with your Eureka! + Motivation combo. The only reason I would suggest dropping an Indexing is that it's more of a situational card, and it becomes hard to use properly as the game goes on - they ice up R&D three-deep and you can get in for the Indexing, but likely not for the next run. I've started to use it more as a way to get a peek at what their gameplan is: pop one as the corp is starting to move into the midgame, see five cards and get an idea of what their gameplan is and then put those cards in the worst possible order for them while you adjust on the fly. As an added bonus, you can use it as bluffed pressure on R&D and most corps will tack on at least one extra ice at the cost of a credit after you Index. Great deck though, I like where your head's at for these combos.

1 Aug 2014 BTrain

The implications of dropping Scavenge + Indexing of course being you could throw in two Akamatsus or CyberSolutions if you needed. Sometimes I forget to finish thoughts :)

1 Aug 2014 ksylves

These are good points, @BTrain. One other great thing (besides the combo with Test Run) about Scavenge here is the ability to reset your Femme's bypass ability; this cannot be overstated. One thing I have grown to like about this deck is that so many cards pull double duty combo-wise. Tons of flexibility. Getting a cheaper/free Magnum or Dinosaurus out with either Modded OR TR&Eureka OR TR&Oracle May OR Motivation&Oracle May OR Motivation&Eureka is pretty great; this is an important part of the economy of this deck.

With regards to Indexing, I totally agree that it is situational, but when it does work it is incredible. From a practical standpoint, this card, in this deck, has won me games.

1 Aug 2014 ksylves

Oh, scratch the Test Run examples in my last comment - that's not really "cheaper" (but better than not getting a MO at all) and doesn't work on dinosaurus.

17 Aug 2014 cranked

@BTrain Do you think Leprechaun would be a good addition to this deck? Leprechaun + Magnum Opus is always MU-efficient, and it's a bit cheaper than playing CyberSolutions.