Yggdrachill: A Bountiful Dive

Aku22 8




This list is based on excellent Tech Tree list introduced by Andrej - use World Tree to cycle main pieces, mostly economy to fuel our mid-game engine. However I found 60 card toolkit deck a bit much & decided to iterate on it to eventually come up with something leaner - more suitable for my playstyle.


The Goal

You want to have your full rig of icebreakers + K2CP Turbine and comfortably close out the game with Deep Dive. To make it buttery smooth (and the fact I am terrbile at managing my credits) the deck runs variety of different economy resources. Those make your off-run turns more profitable, giving you more options during important windows to snatch a win.


Opening Hand

You're looking for economy options/ SMC/ Overclock. Get  down Telework or Liberated Account quickly and start extracting. Daily Casts is also a great option, barring you need a few more turns to use it for cycle it into other resources with World Tree. At this stage we trying to get first economy resource to the last tick (least possible amout of credits), get down World Tree & start cycling. This way we save time on drawing money & installing it. You can also do the same with programs, which is very efficient way to use Trojans installed early on. When your Kyuban/ Slap Vandal gets on Magnet you can safely cycle it into Buzzsaw or any other important piece at this stage.

Early on you want to focus more on central pressure as it may be easier to penetrate single-iced servers. Use the Trojans to make best out of the situation. If in dire need of making a run to trigger a World Tree archives is usually a safe option - we don't run viruses so pesky Mavirus isn't a big deal.

Friendly Note: In faster matchups mulligan into Slap Vandal/ SMC/ Overclock. Play aggressively into remotes, force early rezzes and trash Rashida.


Mid-game & Closing out

After couple of turns you should have an idea of what's the best angle of attack. Complete your rig, pressure HQ & R&D. Setup your Deep Dive turn placing Pichação and Simulchips if you need to summon K2CP Turbine. If you poked into remotes and centrals you should've seen enough stuff to decide where are the agendas.



  • Don't be afraid to cycle your pieces early on to push yourself forward. Simulchips are great, but if you just can't draw your LilyPAD, cycle a chip for a discounted console. Same goes for trojans into icebreakers.
  • In some games drawing is a double-edged sword. You want your resources to stay in your deck so you can cycle them, same with programs and SMC. This is where singleton The Class Act becomes crucial. After you have this and LilyPAD you are pretty much set on drawing correctly for the rest of the game. Price is steap, but you can always cycle one resource into The Class if you are having trouble with your draws.
  • Solid economy lets you be aggresive. Use corps slower turns to get ahead - either in developing your board position or gaining invaluable information.
  • Ditch World Tree if you lack MU for trojans or icebreakers & your rig is complete/ near complete. Also it's totally doable to make this deck work without World Tree even appearing, since the full rig is near unstoppable.
  • In asset spam matchups - focus on trashing key assets & simultaneously draw for Deep Dive. Go ham on R&D any chance they give you.


Notable Cards To Consider

I've placed a lot of influence into economy package, so if you feel more confident I'd suggest picking up:

  • WAKE Implant v2A-JRJ / Legwork for solid H&Q pressure. Upcomming Burner might be the proper slot for this as well.
  • Dirty Laundry as on tempo low cost econ event. Fits the playstyle well, but couldn't fit another event into the already stacked competition.
  • Miss Bones for obvious solution to a big hurdle called asset spam decks.


Thank you for the read. Hopefully you will have as much fun with deck as I did iterating on it. Feel free to ask any questions & please leave a comment if you tried it out 😃

6 Mar 2024 Gyro88

This is pretty similar to the World Tree decks I like to play. For what it's worth, I think it's possible to stretch the influence mileage a fair bit by including 1xs of lots of those econ cards and being willing to Harmony five of them at a time back into the deck to be pulled again.