
beyoken 6110

12 Jul 2014 x3r0h0ur

Never use gingerbread, it is awful. You probably need 1 levy and 3 SoT, more for scavenge.

12 Jul 2014 PeterPan

Gingerbred heisst aber Pfefferkuchen (sogar auf der deutschen Karte) und nicht Pumpernickel :)

12 Jul 2014 beyoken

@x3r0h0ur Rationale for Gingerbread is that it's efficient against ICE it can break - Femme has a horrible time dealing with Flare, Ichis and Shinobi. I packed it specifically against HB Big Ice because I need to reserve Dino for Morning Star, which makes breaking Ichis prohibitively expensive... unless I have GINGERBREAD!

I chose not to pack 3x SOT because I find myself discarding excess SOTs during my first cycle through the deck, and I would much rather spend clicks drawing my deck for Test Run/Scavenge than using SOTs, which won't net me economy cards or the Dinosaurus. However there is wisdom in your suggestion because I do find myself struggling against fast corps without sufficient Test Run/Scavenge combos early on, which is one of the biggest limiting factors of my deck. 2x Levy may be redundant (I haven't had a game where I needed both), but I could see it coming in handy if I need more economy (eg. against glacier) and it would be awful if the Levy was sleeping at the bottom of my stack and I really wanted to use it.