That Wizard Has a Knife

Legality (show more)
Deck valid after Sixth Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost
Repartition by Strength
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None. Self-made deck here.
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branimated 617

First of all, I have to give credit to Doomrat for the starting point of this list. I modified it a bit over the course of testing it at our weekly meetup, but the core (Wizard's Chest + Jeitinho + Zahya) remained intact.

I think this deck is fun! It reminds me of Crimpoc, for obvious reasons:

  • Sometimes you win on accident by stealing agendas while making your central runs
  • You have to balance setting up for your combo turns against making sure the Corp doesn't get too far ahead in the remote
  • It's stress inducing to play, but very rewarding

I think there's still plenty of room to improve the list, this was just the 40 cards I was most confident in prior to the event.

Notable includes:

  • Liberated Account is clutch - often you just need to rapidly build up credits without making runs, so that the runs you do make matter (random "value" runs aren't great in this deck; you really want to make around 9 runs per game, and then win as a result). Getting it for cheap with Career Fair or free with Wizard's Chest is good.
  • Red Team makes sense here, because you want to make those three central runs many times, and this card just keeps you going. Ideally you got it for cheap or free, but even paying the iron price is fine.
  • Cupellation is awesome - techs against Crisium, Punitive, and expensive trashables. Even better when you cash it in for a Legwork and get 3c from Zahya.
  • Physarum Entangler puts in solid work, because Startup Corps aren't as Mavirus-pilled as their Standard counterparts, and it gives you a way past Tributary that doesn't involve Shibboleth.
  • Window of Opportunity is another way to get Jeitinho installed clicklessly, and sometimes you can catch the Corp on low credits to get one of your central runs in.

Went 2-1-0 on the day - the tie was against the eventual winner of the event (JuniperTheory!), with a final score of 6 points to 6 points plus two copies of Jeitinho. :P