Fast Acting Quualudes v1.1

Snake Eyes 4651

  • First after Swiss, 1st Overall at Quantum Frontier Store Championship
  • First after Swiss, 3rd Overall at The Board Room Game Cafe Store Championship
  • 1st place at Gamezilla Spring Game Night Kit

Update: To make Inject even safer to do, a single Retrieval Run is being added to the deck. If you don't have Eater up, the corp has little reason to ICE up archives. If you do have Eater up, and you're looking to get that Keyhole back - it's a faster/usually cheaper way of getting that program out - one that gets even better with cards like Prepaid VoicePAD.

Eater is the best in Quetzal: Free Spirit because she can circumvent the effect of Wraparound's high strength. The Cutlery Suite fits makes her faster and less predictable at destroying ICE than parasite - hence why all viruses are being ignored in this deck.

This deck uses several more "instead of accessing" effects that synergize with Eater - such as Account Siphon, Keyhole, Wanton Destruction, Retrieval Run, and Singularity.

For economy, this deck uses a tonne of events, as such, Prepaid VoicePAD comes in naturally. 2 can exist each game for events, which is great here. This deck was designed with little in terms of resources so that it has the ability to easily go Tag-Me. Joshua B. and Data Leak Reversal combo to further benefit from piling on the tags. Mill for days, or just enjoy 5 click turn. If the Corp chooses to either, you're coming out ahead. They will almost always trash Data Leak Reversal once it becomes effective - whereas Joshua B. is a toss-up. If the Corp wants to spend 2 and 1/3rd of their turn to get rid of something that cost you zero or 1 and only 1/4th of your turn - You are coming out way ahead in that deal. As an added bonus here - Joshua B. helps make Wanton Destruction even better - allowing you to up to 4 cards from the Corp's hand if you so choose.

There's a little bit of burst draw in I've Had Worse and Inject. Due to the redundancy of most of the programs, and a few recursion tricks in Levy AR Lab Access and Déjà Vu, Inject is almost always safe and beneficial to play. Since there's no Plascrete Carapace in this deck - I've Had Worse should generally be kept in hand versus suspected meat damage decks - whereas you can go all out on card draw if you suspect no tag punishment.

On top of all of the burst economy, there are a few economic cards here that will benefit Quetzal: Free Spirit, namely Spinal Modem and Net Celebrity for their 3s in total. These free credits help your game a lot, considering the economic efficiency that this deck gets out of Quetzal: Free Spirit's base ability, Eater, Mimic, and D4v1d.

e3 Feedback Implants synergizes with Quetzal: Free Spirit's ID ability, and conserve D4v1d counters, all while maintaining it's greatness against all Bioroid ICE (Notably Eli 1.0 since it is common, but really it'll wreck anything that is clickable.).. e3 Feedback Implants and/or D4v1d will also wreck the day of any Oversight AI shenanigans out of Blue Sun.

Since most of the deck here is event-based, Levy AR Lab Access is included to get a 2nd pass through everything - expect by this time around their effects will be more powerful as you are likely to have your fully established Rig, including a full Prepaid VoicePAD economy, and zero fucks given about Injecting away your programs for powerdraws (if anything, they're just seen as pure extra s if they get trashed at that point). Levy AR Lab Access comes with several more benefits - it's fantastic against damage decks too. (as is I've Had Worse)