All That Jaz (King of Subways, 5-0)

analyzechris 642

This is just a tweak of Erick_Twice's Jaz's Nightmre, but it was the perfect meta call for NYC's King of Subways team tournament (no Rumor Mill or Sifr allowed!). My team came in 12th, so I never played the top four teams, but this deck didn't lose at the top seat in any game. My Andromeda tried hard, but only went 2-3, so I finished 7-3 on the day (8th place in points).

The game plan is to bluff that you're CI7, play a bunch of operations until you're decently rich, then Reversed Accounts > Bryan Stinson until you're game-breakingly rich. At that bunch, plug in a Sandburg and feel like a degenerate asshole.

The important changes:

-1 Executive Boot Camp +1 Disposable HQ

Finding Sandburg is not too hard with your insane VLC draws. However, having a bunch of 3/5s in hand is a huge liability. Disposable HQ, on Dan A-M's recommendation, was game-changing. When they run it, you can put 4-5 agendas (basically making scoring out impossible for either side) on the bottom of R&D until you're good and ready to shuffle them back in with Museum.

-1 Friends in High Places +1 Sandburg

It's important to get Sandburg pretty early for consistency, and it's fine if they trash it because you can recur it (or, better, Friends, with Museum)

-1 Crisium Grid -2 Green Level Clearance

+1 Enforcing Loyalty +1 Snatch and Grab +1 Ark Lockdown

Account siphon is really not an issue after your first few transactions. Reversed Accounts can very quickly fix your money problems. Enforcing Loyalty/Ark Lockdown is amazing when you have 100+ credits and you want to lock someone out by trashing and sniping their fancy imported breakers. In the tournament, Loyalty nabbed a Gordian Blade in criminal and Snatch and Grab nailed a Katie with 19 credits.

-1 Viktor 1.0 +1 Excalibur

Also on Dan's recommendation, Excalibur removed the threat of Medium digs.

I loved the format of the tournament, and while the ban list wasn't perfect (see: this deck), it shows that banning is okay and that more formats would be a nice change of pace for A:NR!

26 Mar 2017 Artacker44

"Bluff that you are CI7" with a 54 card deck...