Tap Tap Tap v.1

Wookiee 90

A highly untweaked attempt at an Edward Kim deck.

To me, the power of Kim is that he can just take away whatever he accesses. He feels, to me, like a much more methodical runner - he's just constantly pounding away at servers, destroying most anything he finds that isn't Ice. And if it's Ice, then he's going to take it out after it's rezzed.

He isn't about the big burst, or the tricksy combo. He's about knocking down everything that pops up.

To that end, Cutlery, with support to get it (Special Order) and recurse it (Deja Vu, Same Old Thing). Kraken to take out that one troublesome Ice. Imp to let him trash anything he finds on top of R&D.

Cyberfeeder, to give him money each and every time he runs (which will be often). Since he's using fixed breakers, it should hopefully mean he can get 2-3 accesses a turn affordably. Ice Carver goes to this as well - Ice that's -1 strength is either more likely to be in the fixed breaker range or cheaper to break. Dinosaurus for Yog or Mimic, to increase their value. Datasucker to keep him getting in, and capitalize on his accesses. Same for Medium and Nerve Agent. Femme for the high Str sentries, and whatever annoys you.

Daily Casts and Liberated Account to give him the cash to run.

This is currently a very theory crafted deck, 6 over on cards, and focused on a reasonably boring theme (I'm primarily a Shaper player, so consistent reasonable accesses are nice to me).

Critiques, "Bless your hearts" and hateful glares all welcome!

15 Feb 2015 Fl3xbyts

I like your deck! It's given me some ideas for a Noise deck I'm building.

Maybe consider The Personal Touch over Dinosaurus. That way, you don't have to worry about making sure to have Dinosaurus out before your breaker; the The Personal Touches are helpful at ANY point in the game, and can be used to buff whatever breaker you have on the table.