noise SC report

x3r0h0ur 8956

This is my Noise deck that went 6-0 in store champs today, big changes over past iterations, removing all passive/click loss draw. Stays on the aggressive very very often, and operates low on cash.

I loved playing vs jinteki intentionally smashing into shit in order to draw with I've had worse for 0 clicks and 0 credits.

Just a standard all around good Noise, little to no jank.

8 Mar 2015 deaddrop

Used a deck really similar to this and managed to come 2nd in a 25ish person tournament mid way through Lunar Cycle and would love to try it again! D4v1d wasn't out at the time so Tollboth was a nightmare for Crypsis!

At the time I wasn't playing Grimoire and was using Djinn to help make sure I could get what I needed. Did you find Grimoire and Cyberfeeder much use? Any other changes you would make to this?