[Startup] Speedboat (1-2 in Linköping CO)

postis 291

This is the corp deck that hung around my neck as my runner won me a 4-person CO in Linköping. It lost 2 out of 3 games and is most certainly not very well optimized, but it is fun to pilot and good times were had.

This is a straightforward rush deck. Get some quick money, jam stuff into the remote and pray. Fire the Ob ability as often as you can to thin out your deck and switch up your ice mix to parry icebreaker installs. Finish with Biotic Labor. Add salt to taste.

Card choices

Agendas are all 1 or 2 points. Everything you draw should be scoreable. We don't have time to fiddle with 5/3:s, especially not lategame when all you want is to topdeck a 3/2 to biotic out.

1x Malapert Data Vault is the correct amount. You can easily fetch it with Ob and it generates valuable tempo and gets you the ice or money you need for your next score.

Stavka is the MVP. Kill their breakers, score agendas, and do it fast.

I was skeptical about Svyatogor Excavator at first, but have found it to be a pleasant card. It gets you clickless money and helps you shape the board state.

ZATO City Grid is powerful and a correct include I think, but I have only ever fired it once. You tend to either have a gearcheck remote that locks the runner out completely, or be already outmatched by their final rig. But in those rare midgame situations where the rig is complete but they run without enough clicks or money to spare, ZATO can force the issue and squeeze one more score out of your soon to be obsolete remote. Fetch with Ob if needed.

PAD Campaign might be a pretty anonymous card, but it's very useful to get a bit of clickless drip while you're rushing as hard as you can, and it's handy as Ob fodder.