Dirty Nasir v 1.0

Resrick 1

My newest creation in the quest to make Nasir an awesome identity. I have had the opportunity to play a number of different variants of the various Nasir builds that have been popping up lately: first was No Sleep Natman (great guide by the way and kind of my starting point for Nasir), then I tested out a Stealth Nasir build that I really enjoyed (sadly it was a little slow on the setup for my liking), and finally a Blackguard/expose idea I thought would be AWESOME(sadly, it was really REALLY slow on the set up).

Warning - Long Post Ahead

Now, we have moved on to the new Dirty Nasir build, a build that is a slight combination of the three with a little touch of Au Revoir to help fund things. Here are some of my reasoning behind the choices I made:

Early Game Set Up: Best starting hand would have to be to have any of the draw cards: Diesel or Earthrise Hotel and a Personal Workshop to finish up that last credit. Anything else will be icing on the cake. Throw down the cards and use them credits and start running with abandon. Use the card draw to get those Au Revoir and maybe a Self-modifying Code so you can grab the Snitch. Just keep running and building up the rig, hopefully grabbing a couple of Agendas on the way.

Mid Game: By now you should be utilizing the Snitch/Au Revoir a lot like security testing and picking your runs as you go. Rig should be semi set up and getting ready to step into the end game. This is were those Easy Marks come into play (especially for those pesky pop up windows and other lost cost programs. Keep running and once you get your full rig set up you should be well on your way to 7 points.

End Game: So you may be wondering "What do I do now that all their ice is rezzed and its time to make those big runs to grab agendas?" Well first off if its gotten to this point you are most likely playing against a glacier deck and you should be so rich you can make it rain or second, you were able to slow down the crazy astro train long enough to hop on board yourself. Either way, use those Stimhacks and the always beautiful Magnum Opus to get in there and blow some stuff up. If they left that one pesky pop up window there just to send you down to zero credits, well they have a surprise waiting for them when you jack out after going down to zero. Its nice to be able to bounce back into the run with 3 credits and maybe a couple of tasty Ghost Runners. Just keep playing your game and you are bound to win. I would also advise to try to get that R&D lock down with R&D Interface.

Card by Card: First my event choices -

Code Siphon - UR MUH GURD, this card is amazing. Sadly it doesnt get its full synergy with the program suite here, but it has its place for getting out those few and far between 3/4 cost cards.

Diesel - No explanation needed. DRAW ALL THE CARDS!!!

Easy Mark - Two reasons: 1) Easy to bounce back from a pop up with it and 2) I had 2 extra influence lying around.

Stimhack - nothing has saved me more than a surprise stimhack into that server you thought was safe because Im Nasir and will go down to zero credit. Run, lose money, run lose money, ice all rez'd...STIMHACK!!! and if there is another trick, well spend it all on Personal Workshop

Hardware - I'll do just a quicky on the hardware: Clone Chip get back dead stuff Plascrete Carapace Weyland R&D Interface for the lock and the primary win condition and finally The Toolbox because I love reoccurring credits, link, and memory.

The Resources:

Earthrise Hotel - This card is an amazing edition to Nasir's arsenal. Perfect cost for it and a Personal Workshop. Not to mention the card draw is phenomenal. If I was running an Aesop's Pawnshop and stuff it would be even better in my opinion.

Ghost Runner - this is an excellent card for those pesky situations, especially since you don't have to lose those credits when the ice is rez'd (unless Tollbooth Shakes fist at the evil Lukas go) Use them however you need em, but I would suggest to save for trashing stuff, just in case.

Personal Workshop - Finally, the one card that everyone says is essential to a Nasir deck. The opinions vary on the use of this card, but in my humble opinion, this particular will run much smoother with rather than without it. Due to the low cost of many of my programs though, I may adjust this in the future.

Breaker Suite: First, the ideal setup is Gordian Blade, Inti, Pipeline, 2 Au Revoir Snitch (feel free to get rid of the Snitch in the late game once everything is rez'd)

Now, I will admit, there may not be enough . Haven't quite figured out what to do about it, but future renditions may include so Underworld Contacts and Dyson Mem Chip. Shall see...

Anyways, that is all for now. Any advice, thoughts, ect please feel free to let me know. Any criticism is always welcome.