Pad Kenpaign

karmaportrait 4

I thought of the pun shortly after H&P was released and then felt compelled to make the deck.

It's a fun deck to play.

Random notes:

  • If you're not comfortable playing without Plascrete, swap out Crash Space
  • Once I get out two PPVPs I usually don't bother installing the third unless it's unusually early in the game
  • The breaker suite is the thing I messed with the most. It never really settled on something I felt 100% about, so adjust to your preference.
  • Sacrificial Construct does double duty as Power Shutdown protection and to keep a Faerie on the board
  • Quality Time is really really good for you. First click from two cards to seven cards is so nice.
  • Lone Kati is there in case the game starts to go long and you're running out of event economy.
  • Don't be afraid to Same Old Thing for a Lucky Find if you need the creds.
27 Oct 2014 moistloaf

I like the one Sacrificial Construct.