Doomed To Repeat

Ravengm 35

One of the biggest problems I had when playing RP was eventually running through my deck when the game went long. It created tension when I didn't have an appropriate scoring window, my Caprices had all been trashed, and I was stuck with an agenda or two in hand that the runner was just waiting for me to either install or discard. Jackson helped, but it wasn't a permanent solution.

Enter Museum of History. This card solves basically every issue I had with the deck's playstyle. The only cost to me was adding 5 cards, which ended up being 3 Museums, 1 Chronos Project, and a second Quicksand.

I played a pre-MWL version of this deck with Kala Ghoda available in the awkward window before the MWL took effect. Realistically the only change was taking out the Eli 1.0s, which hurt, but the sting is lessened by having the adequate-if-inferior Bastion available. I still had a leftover influence so I chucked in a Markus 1.0 as well.

Basic Strategy

Make the runner cry tears, then charge them for cleanup. You want runs to be expensive all the time everywhere. Force them to either spend oodles of time and money trashing your econ assets or accept the fact that you'll just make 4+ credits a turn for nothing. You'll want to ice up your centrals (ideally just Excalibur on Archives will suffice), then build a scoring remote with 2-3 pieces of ice plus protective upgrades.

Your scoring windows revolve around both how many credits the runner has, and what kind of defenses are built up in your scoring server. Caprice and Marcus ensure you have defense regardless of the amount of money/programs the runner is packing. Make sure you're able to defend agendas somehow, since if you ever advance something it's pretty obvious it's an agenda.

It's not uncommon for me to install a Sundew protected by a Tollbooth. It will pay off in the long run, and it costs a ton of credits for them to get in and trash it otherwise. You can always overwrite it later and turn it into your scoring server. Mental Health Clinics are less important to protect, but still provide a subtle threat drip econ.

Super Secret Spicy Tech:


This card does so much, especially with what the meta looks like right now. The idea of playing this style of RP is to discourage multiple runs per turn by making them more expensive than they're worth, whether it's via credits, cards in hand, or tempo. Archangel costs approximately infinity credits to break by the standard code gate breakers that are played, 3 cards from Faust, or a hefty investment through the huge trace. It saves your stuff from Parasites that are sitting out, forces them to jack out and reinstall breakers if you have an ETR subroutine later in the server, or just makes them throw credits away by having to pay for an expensive console or program a second time. The fact that I can force them to hit it on-access is delicious gravy. Combine with Marcus Batty for more fun.


Anti-synergy with Caprice, but if they do manage to get in you're going to make them sad about it. Most recursion involves digging things out of the heap, so shoving a breaker to the bottom of the stack will, in the worst-case scenario, just cause them to replay from hand, but making them blow another Self-modifying Code or spend time digging through cards opens up huge windows.


Very much a multi-run deterrent. R&D is probably the best place to put it to discourage locks.


The surprise factor is what we're looking for here. After it's rezzed, Rototurret doesn't do much other than cost a couple credits, but it can really catch people off guard that aren't expecting teeth from a glacier deck. It's also only 1 influence and forces a gear check.


"How I stopped worrying and learned to love trashing Faust."

Possible changes to free up influence for other sweet tech:

-2 NAPD Contract, -1 Philotic Entanglement

+3 Medical Breakthrough

This change frees up 2 influence but makes your agendas easier to steal, which is a real downside you have to be aware of. But seeing a Breakthrough in the runner's score pile is actually pretty awesome, since you can then bluff the second one as an asset/upgrade for an easy(er) 2 points. The third becomes an insane 2/2.

-1 Archangel

+1 Other taxing ICE

I hesitate to suggest this change because Archangel has been such an all-star for me, but with less Parasite in the meta because of the MWL, it loses some utility. Might be reasonable to sub for something like Archer depending on how the meta shakes out, but that makes winning much harder.

-1 Rototurret, -2 NAPD Contract

+1 Grim, +2 Agendas to flavor

If you're putting in Grim, you have to cover your ass and not get screwed by NAPD's often-ignored chunk of text. This frees up 3 influence though.

Considerations for other cards:

Reversed Accounts

Runs cost a pretty penny as it is, but if you're up against a power econ runner you can use this to both bluff and force scoring windows.


I hate Pup (in this deck). Like, a lot. It's porous, not all that taxing, and money isn't that big of an issue when it comes to ice that costs less than 5. But other people seem to want it, so yeah.

Ash 2X3ZB9CY

You'll need to free up some influence for this, but it could replace Marcus Batty if you aren't into Psi cards.

Eli 1.0

This is where the MWL hits the hardest. I ended up choosing to keep NAPD Contract instead, since it freed up more influence. If somehow you find yourself with enough influence for Eli, by all means stick it in there.

Assassin or Shinobi

Potential for absolute blowouts. If you find yourself at an economic advantage (which you often will given the rest of the deck), these can be effective "Oops, I win" flatline techniques. The downside being it's very expensive to do so.

Global Food Initiative

I'm weary about adding more 5-requirement agendas to this deck, but this is the one I'd add if someone put a gun to my head and made me.

Snatch and Grab

Resources like Film Critic are important to get rid of if you're relying on agendas being tough-to-steal like The Future Perfect. Can also hit some other key cards. It's expensive to guarantee the trash, and will probably still just cost you an extra 2 credits since they'll take the tag. Once it comes out, Voter Intimidation will be a better slot-in.


I find this card doesn't pay itself off well enough in this particular RP style. I'll usually have 4-5 servers going, but I can't see myself making more than a couple credits off this most of the time. Some reasonable reworks of the deck will have to happen if you want this.

Crisium Grid

Protect your anus from Apocalypse and Account Siphon.

Shell Corporation

Games tend to run long with this deck, but you're rarely using your clicks just for money. If you find your Mental Health Clinics are getting binned too often, you could try this instead in the scoring server.

Project Junebug, et al

Any of the advanceable ambuses can be slotted in to bluff an agenda. Currently if you ever advance a card, it is an agenda. If your meta expects this, toss in a Junebug or something to make them reconsider.

Enhanced Login Protocol

If you want to run this, you'll want at least 2, which will require some significant influence restructuring. But it's fantastic when it works.

Genetic Resequencing

An easy swap for Chronos Project if you don't see many recursion-oriented runners in your meta. Sweet sweet extra Nisei counters.

Cerebral Static

Could be useful against Leela, Noise, Maxx, and others. Marginal utility against Kate, and could be super duper awesome against an unwary Chaos Theory.



Hoo boy, do you ever not want to get hit by this. Sure, you're able to recover, but it's messy and requires a large investiture of time and credits. Use your Nisei counters wisely and run Crisium Grid if you see it a lot. Hopefully they'll hit Excalibur before the last run if they're planning on using it.

Stealth runners

While this deck actually has decent game against Faust since you have multiple subs on a lot of ice (and Swordsman!), runners that use and abuse recurring credits hurts. You have to rely really heavily on Marcus and Caprice against these runners.

Econ choke

Getting Account Siphoned multiple times sucks. Make sure to ice up HQ and play your econ assets. Play Crisium Grid if it's a massive problem.

Ice denial

Specifically I mean things like DDoS and Emergency Shutdown, not ice trashing. If you can't rez taxing ice, it isn't all that taxing. Plus, paying the rez cost multiple times adds up quickly. The ice isn't that cheap in this deck.


Hopefully this gives you a good idea into the deck. I know the description got long, but I wanted to include as much variation on the deck as I could to help out modifications and discovery. Enjoy!

3 Feb 2016 sruman

Thanks for posting. I think the addition of daily business shows or fast-tracks would be a significant boost. Even with 49-card RP, finding the nisei when you actually have a scoring window can be a problem, 54-cards is going to make it worse.