PPP Noise (1st, NZ Nationals 2015)

Fjord 1798

Howdy, check back later for a tournament report and some analysis.

If you can't wait check out the raw tournament footage where there were at least a dozen Noise games on camera! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwzXbVje3ACE4oM4xa6HaHg

28 Sep 2015 triorph

Man no fracter, no clot. I would love to give this deck another try (hopefully drawing some ice this time). You played it well and made some excellent meta-calls.

29 Sep 2015 Linger

...wow! this was no Sure Gamble and I've Had Worse noise! well done!

Looks like Paige Piper really helped you to find all bits and pieces you need to rock and roll!

29 Sep 2015 Chron

@Linger Makes peddler pretty reliable I guess!

29 Sep 2015 Linger

@Chron In my Whizzard deck I've used peddler to host gamble, legwork and vamp. So these valuable events keep stuck for the whole game and even levy couldn't helped me to reuse them.

29 Sep 2015 ZiNOS

@Linger You can always trash the Peddler to the Aeshop :). One more reason Aesop is brilliant.

29 Sep 2015 Grimwalker

I am not a clever man, but on paper, I'm not getting it. Paige and Faust would seem to not play well together? Extra dead draws are what you use to fuel Faust?

29 Sep 2015 Otacon

I'm having the same issue looking at this thing as @Grimwalker. It looks like unless you consistently get the early win you're going to run out of steam pretty quickly, especially if you use Paige to toss much. Analysis and thought process will be interesting to see, and congrats on the win.

29 Sep 2015 Fjord

@triorph Cheers! A few opponents thought bringing in wraparounds might help but D4V1D clears that out pretty easily. Tried Clot at regionals and was a bit dissapointed. Without SMC it's very difficult to have it at the precise moment, probably need a second copy. Down a couple clone chips it didn't really make sense for this deck.

@Linger @Chron I had forgotten Peddler could even miss hahah. I cut the Sure Gambles after seeing how much Peddler could help your early turns.

@Grimwalker Great question, I get this one a lot. I think it's similar to the way people were skeptical of Maxx. Paige doesn't mean less draws, it just means a smaller deck. An extra Wyldside is a 'good' discard to Faust in that it isn't painful to you but Disruptor would also be 'good' for that. Picture these different scenarios, at the start of a Faust turn would you rather you draw an extra Wyldside + Imp or an Imp + D4V1D? I've got more options with the Imp + D4V1D. Now if I'm running out of deck that's a different story but the last time I did that was a couple months ago (Medium still won).

@Otacon A Medium backed by a loaded Personal Workshop is usually enough to close it out in a big turn. Thanks, will get something written up for you all to read tomorrow.

8 Oct 2015 strongoose

How often do you fire Paige, and what do you target with her? Do you ever Paige viruses that you don't think you'll need this match-up, or so that you can Deja Vu the others back to your grip? Or Daily Casts that you won't be needing because you're Aesops' is online? Or do you just stick with the obvious targets (Aesops', Chronotype, Wyldside, Grimoire, Faust)?

8 Oct 2015 triorph

I wouldn't paige daily casts just because you have aesop's online. Daily casts is still really good even then.

Watching him play this, I'm pretty sure he just used the obvious targets. A big part of this build seemed to be double-medium digging, so I suppose if you have a deja vu in hand and a personal workshop installed the medium could be a good idea.

10 Oct 2015 fiveplus5is55

I think this deck is very well constructed and thought of.its fast ,reliable and puts tons of pressure on the corp.even vs fastro. Before you run out of steam the corp will too, remember its noise. I will try this!

11 Oct 2015 Fjord

@ouroborosglyx Well the first thing Paige always thins is two more copies of herself! Beyond that, the targets you mentioned are always thinned if possible. Don't worry about being vulnerable to tag and trash, you can Deja Vu back a copy if needed. Trashing extra programs like Imp, Datasucker or Medium is justifiable if you're low on credits and looking for a combo piece.

Don't let Paige distort your play. For example if you start with Paige and Wyldside turn 1, play both of them rather than holding the Wyldside as you're bound to draw something else to install next turn. If you've ever got nothing else to sell to Aesop's, sell Paige. A great opening is Paige Piper, Street Peddler out Aesop on their turn to activate Paige again, then sell Paige.

@triorphYep the double Medium closes out many games. If I was short credits I might Paige the Medium but the situation you mention with Personal Workshop is a different story. With workshop out there's no hurry to find econ as you can just keep hosting programs until it turns up eventually. Not to mention the Medium probably be hanging out on the workshop until the final turn.

Thanks@fiveplus5is55, yep exactly it goes through the deck quickly but with such high pressure I've actually never run out of cards with this.

12 Oct 2015 fiveplus5is55

Hey, me again. so i tried it, and its nice. I just haven't played noise much the past , so i need to learn a lot. What gives me especially trouble is NEH team sponsorship stuff, where they create so many servers and rush out fast and they even got the moneyz to rez strong ice on centrals. How do you play against it? ignore remotes and dig centrals? let me know how you deal with fast rush decks in general also.

13 Oct 2015 Fjord

Good question @fiveplus5is55 that is definitely a difficult matchup for anyone right now. I guess the thing is these decks that go horizontal will always be missing something in their starts. They can't go horizontal, get money AND defend their centrals early. If they lack ice, hit them hard with a Medium if you can. Low on economy, Imp that PAD campaign. Not accelerating horizontally, they've just given you time to get your Wyldside/Pancakes/Aesop online.

The mulligan is very important against these decks that can take off, you want to be able to do the same. I'd be looking for an explosive start with at least 3 of the following: Street Peddler, Wyldside (Pancakes only with Wyldside), Cache, Imp, Daily Casts, Personal Workshop, Paige Piper. If you can quickly get your combo going you should be able to keep up with them.

13 Oct 2015 Fjord

Oh I'll just add how my games went against the NEH Team Sponsorship decks I faced at Nationals. The one I faced in elimination had a slow start while Street Peddler got Wyldside/Aesop/Pancakes online in the first few turns. He managed to get an Astro out but just couldn't keep up with my pressure. Think I had some good mills too, Jackson couldn't save all his agendas.

youtu.be Here's the game against another one. Slow start for the corp so I was respecting the Midseasons/Scorch and building up until I saw influence on Biotic Labour. Medium took it from there.

youtu.be Bonus game against another NEH. Put down a preemptive Plascrete when I scored an early Astro from him. Medium took it from there...

There is also footage on the channel of games against Team Sponsorship Gagarin and several against Team Sponsorship ETF.