Silhouette Blackguard v2.0

dupl3x 50

Focusing on exposing with a bit of multi-access for centrals.

Card breakdown follows:

ID: Silhouette She exposes cards when she runs HQ which combos nicely with Blackguard. She's a 40 card Criminal deck which by itself intrigues me.

Blackguard/Cortez Chip/Forged Activation Orders: So the idea here is that if you use cortez chip on something then expose it, Blackguard will either force them to pay an extra 2 bucks or admit that they can't rez it. If they do the latter and you have a FAO in hand you can happily force them to trash that ice. If you don't, you can still confidently run knowing that ICE wont' rez.

Hostage: This is here to get Kati/Pro Contacts/Tri-Maf out. I want to love Tri-Maf but I think it might be bad. 1 use per turn is not so great and I can't help but expect that it's got a huge TRASH ME sign on it for anyone playing with Breaking News. (Hence Fall Guy).

Econ: Infiltration should probably be used for expose. I feel like if you have Kati and Tri-maf out, you could do ok money-wise. IDK about Pro Contacts in this deck. Might be bad. Fall Guy is really there to keep your Tri-maf from dying but if you don't feel like you need it (or you feel pretty safe behind a plascrete or two) then maybe he's best used for the 2 bucks. Moddeds are in to help alleviate the ridiculous price of Blackguard and can help with breakers, R&D-I's, and Plascrete's too. Not sure about having 3 though.

Multi-access: Legwork is mostly in to help vs Cerebral Imaging combo-decks. R&D Interface is just standard for pressuring there.

Crescentus: Seems like a good idea if you're forcing the corp to do all this rezing that you can find a way to force them to do it more than once. I'd like some recursion for these but couldn't fit the Clone Chips in.

Breakers: Wigh these breakers you can pretty much ensure that you're opponent is going to go crazy with remotes. A single remote with a single slab of ICE over it makes it impervious to this deck which could be rather brutal. That said, lots of top-tier decks don't want to use remotes and any clicks and ICE they use building remotes means fewer clicks and ICE they use stopping your central server romp. I feel like maybe a single AI breaker could be the way to go just to add a little extra umph. Perhaps in v2.0

EDIT: added Grappling Hook/E3 combo.