Blue Sun: Building the Future V1.0

Phoenix 247

So this is my take on Blue Sun: Powering the Future glacier post Order and Chaos. I still stand by the fact that this is one of the strongest corporation archetypes at the moment and I am trying to fine tune it.

On the card choices:

Agendas: Corporate War is a fantastic agenda in Blue Sun: Powering the Future. It is very easy to achieve the +7c upon scoring. NAPD Contract is obviously great, particularly with the lack of bad publicity being giving out. On to the 5/3's, I initially considered 1 each of Eden Fragment, Utopia Fragment and Hades Fragment, but being able to rez some of the bigger ice for free is just great so I went with 2 Priority Requisition. I am pretty set on the agenda spread (i.e. 6 4/2, 3 5/3) at the moment, but I could also change to 4 4/2, 4 5/3. Any thoughts?

Assets: Adonis Campaign has obvious synergy with Blue Sun: Powering the Future, and is one of my main sources of income. Elizabeth Mills is there to help with any bad publicity/Blackmail ploys, and is also great at blowing up any Personal Workshops. Jackson Howard is the lord and saviour and Executive Boot Camp is in the help tutor what I need and further help against Blackmail decks.

Upgrades: Ash 2X3ZB9CY is fantastic. Crisium Grid was great even before Eater/Keyhole. Enough said.

Operations: This is the location of my main economy: Hedge Fund, Restructure and Oversight AI. Interns was a recent addition to bring back Elizabeth Mills against Valencia, trashed ice, Ash 2X3ZB9CY, Crisium Grid etc...

Ice: This is where I am most unsure. 2 Curtain Wall/1 Orion for Oversight AI tricks as well as being some big taxing ice. 8 ice to punish EARLY (i.e. rigless) facechecking (Caduceus, Tollbooth, Enigma. Architect and potentially Wormhole). 9 early game ice (Ice Wall, Enigma, Caduceus, Architect). Checkpoint is there to tax Eater/Keyhole decks. I don't like the lack of program trashing ice/punishing sentries, however. The problem is Nebula is not great, no low point agendas for Archer, #Grim gives out bad publicity and Taurus is a bit niche. Any suggestions would be welcome.