Sleeper Agent ETF (GNK 1st-Place, Undefeated)

Faceboy89 70

This fast advance ETF deck went undefeated and took me to first place at our local GNK. I have also been doing very well with it on Jnet. There were 12 people with 4 rounds of swiss. My match-ups were Kate, Null, Leela, Leela. It went 4-0 on the day. My runner deck which also went 4-0 is here:

The core of the deck is Jeeves Model Bioroids and Biotic Labor. With Jeeves you can score a 4/2 from hand, or get extra mileage out of your 3/2s. The only agendas you don't want to score are the second Domestic Sleepers and the NAPD Contract.

Essentially, Jeeves gets you extra mileage out of your domestic sleepers, lets you click up on credits and then Hedge Fund, score 4/2s from hand, score Project Vitruvius with a counter so you can recur the biotic labors, score an Accelerated Beta Test and fire it if you have Jackson Howard in hand, or to recover from a leela bounce.

The ice is all meant to be taxing for the most efficient breakers. Turing is your protection against Eater/Keyhole and Eater/Account Siphon, and is also just a good ice to protect Jeeves with on the remote. Vanilla is for gear checking to get out the barrier breaker, and then Eli 1.0 taxes R&D runs. Often times double sentry on HQ or R&D is a good choice to get Architect fires if they are using mongoose. The Tollbooth goes on whatever server Temujin is aimed at or to Tax big digs on R&D

Enhanced login protocol is in the deck to wipe the rumor mill. You can play it to create an extra tax, but I typically hold onto it and wait for rumor mill. Domestic Sleepers can also be a good Rumor Mill wipe.

Archived memories is typically for biotics, but you can also use them to get back Jeeves if they keep trashing them, or to get some economy, or a Cyberdex Virus Suite if they've got you clot-locked. The Crisium grid is there for account siphon and other Niche scenarios. The Sweeps Week is essentially just another hedge fund, but is really good in a lot of criminal matches. Such as first turn against Andy, logos, or drug dealer.

The advanced assembly lines and the lateral growth are in there for added economic efficiency and the assembly lines are great for installing ice at the start of your opponent's turn to get extra mileage out of your ID ability.

The worst match-up for this deck is Leela due to the increased agenda density. The key is to use the extra Jeeves clicks to your advantage to reinstall bounced ice, and get a Crisium Grid down ASAP. If you don't have a crisium then bluff it out with a cvs. There are two cvs in the deck, so this bluff should be easy to pull off early. I also typically ditch a cvs in archives as soon as possible if I see datasuckers hit the table.

Overall, I really love this deck and I will continue to tweak it. Please let me know how it does for you if you give it a try!

7 Sep 2016 staglore

IMHO, you could really benefit from Shipment from SanSan and more Lateral Growths. With Jeeves, Lateral Growth, and Shipment from SanSan you could score out your 2/3s, saving your Biotic Labors for your 2/4s.

9 Sep 2016 Faceboy89

@stagloreThanks for the input! I will give that a try. I also find that I am sometimes 1 or 2 credits short of fast advancing an agenda in my hand, so shipment should be a great include. I've seen a few FA HB decks use shipment and subliminal messaging, etc... but decided against it for this deck originally for influence purposes. This deck has changed quite a bit since I originally made it, and I think I can definitely fit those in now, so I'll see how it goes.