Trash Plant [STANDARD]

famewolf 177

1-2 @ ATX CO | 8th Overall

I have been messing around with Freedom since TAI released with mixed results. I've tried with full breaker suites + Plant and Yusuf, and it was just too much MU and too many dead draws. Though, trying without them has also been tough - Hagen + Mavirus sets you back big, as do a number of other interactions (see Anansi + Mavirus).

Because of these mixed results, I brought a DGAF Esa deck that either wins or loses by turn 10 and this Freedom deck. I ended up playing the one I had more experience with overall.

Despite the poor showing, this is a monster once the engine is online. Hannah and Solidarity will help you even more with the wide decks. Contaminate will get you in on glaciers. You have answers, they can just be a bit fragile when Mavirus is so common.

Great event and had a real blast - next tournament I hope to choose my runner before signing in!