Adam rush v2.5 "Adam's Song"

x3r0h0ur 8956

Latest iteration, I think the sentry problem has been solved. After hitting some komainus mid-late game, and 7 being just a bit too much to pay, garrote has been traded to shrike, and gordian returns over zu thanks to the 1 free influence.

Overall the econ package is strong, but has vulnerabilities, so the key is to run hard and win fast, which you can do very easily.

Also its becoming more apparent that knowing when to click through with ABR and when to just eat the ice is the finer point of the deck. Timing your development.

Weaknesses are turn 2 SS:SE, 2x it's gotten me now, and there are a few configurations of draws that can lead to a super slow start. I'm still on that kink, but what deck doesn't have that I suppose.

20 Aug 2015 Phoenix

I did some testing with Adam yesterday and the turn 2 SS:SE is definitely a thing. Without a significant amount of turn 1 econ I'm not really sure what the solution to that is.

As to breakers, I have settled on something similar except Gordian has been upgraded to a Study Guide (Stimhack and Multithreader synergy) and I have included a Mimic (I resent paying 4 for Architect) at the cost of a Clone Chip. Has worked well so far, although I am still interested in trying out your Refractor idea.

I haven't tried Independent Thinking yet. I know everyone raves about it - how have you found it?

20 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

Its slightly less value overall than other cards, but its a great emergency release valve if you need lots of draw (PE matchups), also, I'm figuring out which matchups I need the directives for. For instance, against HB, you don't need ABR, so getting 2 cards and freeing you from the drawback is pretty nice. I'm getting to the point where I'm not bothering to reinstall directives though, so removing the 2 I have listed is starting to sound good, I just need stuff to replace them with.

I've wanted Study guide, but damn is 4 inf a lot when you can just get blade for cheaper. SG has good synergy with stimhack and the idea of late game inevitability.

20 Aug 2015 coyotemoon722

Any consideration to Account Siphon? Seems good early game if you can catch the corp with their pants down.

20 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

Generally for the 4 inf its not really worth it, and smoking tags is a must which makes the gain low value. I think the influence is better spent as the deck is now. Siphon would require more lean on overmin or other AIs.

21 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

@Phoenix so my idea for a while has been 2x NACH over the spare directives. This works with love good when the corp wants to make you run to ss, se . 1 credit is nice to swallow first turn too and can be done after a TME or if you manage to fail a DL...with 2 cr to duck the tag! I'll be testing it a little this week too.

24 Aug 2015 Phoenix

Ok, so a thought about the turn 2 SS/SE:

  • If you have Brain Cage in your opening hand, you can prevent it.

  • if you have Drug dealer in your opening hand, you can prevent it by drawing up to 4 cards.

  • If you suspect scorched and don't have either of these, you don't have to finish the run successfully. A waste, yes, but better than dying right?

I think the NACH could be good anyways in an NBN heavy meta, but also potentially wasted slots.

24 Aug 2015 Phoenix

Also I am liking a 2 of Hunting Grounds. Kills Komainu, Data Raven, Tollbooth, Pop up etc etc. really helps when you have to run.