One Man's Trash Is The Same Man's Draw v1.0

BobAloVskI 334

I have been refining this deck for the past week now and I think it is pretty good. The problem I have been having with it was that it was too slow early game. Against NEH fast advance, they would be finished at about the time I am ready to get on top of the game. However, I think the inclusion of Gang Sign and HQ Interface help with this. These two cards combined can really slow the Corp down as you get a chance at stealing agendas or trashing their cards whenever they score an agenda. At the very worst, it will show you what kind of deck they are using so you can play accordingly.

Other than Gang Sign and HQ Interface, it is a rather standard Geist deck. It includes the full cloud breaker suite and central only breakers. Off-Campus Apartment is there to put your 11 connections onto for early card draw. Against Weyland (specifically Blue Sun), always keep a Fall Guy around in case of Elizabeth Mills trying to trash your Off-Campus Apartment.

There is not a great deal of economy in the deck, but this deck does not need much economy. If you can get an early Kati, you should be right for econ in the early game while you set up. There are many installs that are either zero or one, so getting six credits from Kati every three turns should pay for your installs. Once you get some drip econ through Underworld Contacts, you can then start to get into their servers and shift the game into your favour.

I find that concentrating on the central servers works best for me. Save the cloud breakers for remotes when you can. Mid to late game you should have enough economy to be able to lock down their servers with your real breakers. Especially with Account Siphoning them repeatedly.

As you can imagine, you get through your stack pretty quickly. So you can shift gears from set up mode to attack mode and put the Corp on the back foot. Siphon them to keep their credits down. Maker's Eye whenever you will be able to get to see three fresh cards. And attack HQ if you sense agendas piling up there.

There are a few weaknesses with this deck. The initial set up means you are behind pretty much every game. The Corp can rush out an agenda or two in the first few turns and there is most likely little you can do about it. Inside job would be good for this but they do not know you aren't playing it so they are taking a gamble trying to do this.

The other big issue is trashing assets. You usually are good for economy to set up your rig but if the Corp gets a couple of things in remote servers you need to trash then the Corp either gets too far ahead or you take even longer to set up if you choose to trash them.

Another issue I can see is that once you have gone through your entire stack, there is little you can do except single access R&D or hope to be able to hit their agendas from their HQ. I would like to swap the Maker's Eyes to R&D Interfaces so you still have an end game but the tempo hit in playing them can be pretty big especially if you get a bad draw with your economy. I generally win or lose before I get to the bottom of my stack but I imagine RP would grind me out of the game.

To try and get around these issues, I would like to add more economy in there. I am thinking -2 Crescentus, -2 Maker's Eye, +2 Sure Gamble, +2 R&D Interface. The Crescentus are good at denying their credits but if you take too long to get your rig out, there will be no chance to be able to use Crescentus as the game is already over.

Any other changes people can suggest, I am more than happy to hear them.

11 Jul 2015 esutter479

I like Off-Campus Apartment...a lot...but for me, it's not really an auto-include. Levy AR Lab Access, on the other hand, kinda is. IF the game goes kinda long (against an RP, HB glacier, Blue Sun, etc.), you're gonna need that reset button, IMO. I would use RDI instead of Maker's here for some stability in the mid-game, when you really need to crack down on NEH shinanegans and the like. I'm really liking the Gang Sign/HQI combo though!

11 Jul 2015 esutter479

One other thing of note that struck me as I observed the're running Crescentus but no Dyson Mem Chips. If I were you, I would sub in 2 Chips for the 2 Globalsecs, as you may end up needing that extra memory when you decide to play/recur those bear traps! :)

11 Jul 2015 BobAloVskI

A couple of changes I will be trying are: -2 The Maker's Eye -2 Same Old Thing +2 R&D Interface +2 Daily Casts

The R&D Interfaces will allow me to pressure both R&D and HQ mid/late game. Since I am only running three events after making that change, I can get rid of the Same Old Things. This makes room for more early game economy in the form of Daily Casts. Along with Kati Jones, Underworld Contact and Fall Guy I should have enough economy early game so I do not have to click for credits and I can concentrate on getting set up.

11 Jul 2015 BobAloVskI

@esutter479 I originally did have Levy University but never used it and so I cut it for the Off-Campus Apartment. The reason why I like Off-Campus Apartment is that it lets you get through your deck faster which means you get your rig set up faster. My thinking is if I can set up faster I can win before I need to Levy AR Lab Access. Against many Corps this strategy might work but RP, HB Glacier and Blue Sun decks might just be able to sit back and wait for me to run out of steam. I really made the change to try and keep up with Astrobiotics but it might cost me against these other Corps. Needs more testing against these slower Corps really.

With regards to Crescentus, I can install my entire rig and one of them with the four MU I have, it would just be the second one I couldn't have installed.