[Startup] EA Servers v1.2

Alyss 23

Weirdo take on GameNET, with a view to using assets for economy and taxing the runner in credits heavily. I like Netrunner when it's primarily a game about the corp putting up ice, and the runner trying to get through that ice; to that end we have lots of ice. Hooray!

Not very good against boat, obviously, but then not a lot is besides ruthless fast advance. Please suggest feedback, I am bad at this game.

10 Oct 2022 Gaxeco

Hey, glad I can give some feedback, the ice suite looks good (but it could be better)!

On the other side I dont really see an upside from those Bladdewort (they are 2 influence each) and those tiered susbscription, you could spend some of those influence in better ice such as Engram Flush (which is very nasty and combo's with your snares) and 1 more stunkworks it will help your remote server aswell as adding Hedge Fund and Predictive for extra cash.

Last note, since you may swap some of those assets around, you may want to cut license acquisition for other agendas such as remastered edition.

10 Oct 2022 Alyss

Another Skunkwoks I think is a solid decision, so cutting the Bladderworts will free up the influence for that. Tiered Subscription I'm romantically attached to, simply because it's ended up as the backbone of my economy in many games with the deck on JNet. If it were to go, what replaces it? Hedge Fund or Predictive?

Engram Flush is great, but not sure what to cut to make room for it. I don't want to dip below 18 ice; it's pretty porous in general and only really reliable when it's costing the runner in creds or tags, so tends to need stacking in multiple blocks to properly deter.