Clean Energy comes from Unbroken Homes. GLG SC 2nd Place

Telemont 59

A Vegan Blue Sun deck. Green Lake Games Store Championship runner-up.

I eventually went with cutting the meat damage combo for a third Ash, dropping in a Snatch and Grab for play against decks running Kati as their primary economic engine. Alongside Reversed Accounts, there tend to be enough tools to force open a scoring window for the last few points. NAPD Contract remains an incredibly powerful agenda.

I'm considering cutting either an Ash or the Tollbooth and replacing it with more sustained economy, which seems to be where the deck most often falters - Oversight AI provides wonderful economy, but when more than half of your ice costs >5 credits, it's difficult to be able to Rez all of the ice protecting your scoring remote and still be able to contest the Ash trace.