Elizabeth Mills is still a Gamer - 7th at Warwick CO

AceEmpress 534

This is a tweak on the deck I took to UK Nationals - the Ablative became a Seamless Launch and the Beale and one Game Over became two False Lead. Losing Beale might dilute your scoring plan too much but after a certain point having a scored False Lead to back up an Oppo Research is pretty much a guaranteed win before tech cards.

I haven't had the time to play too much since Nats, so I don't have much more in the way of deck thoughts other than the changes - False Lead did win me a game against mcg where I was otherwise 5-0 down, but equally having only one 3/2 makes just scoring out an expensive and awkward proposition so I'd want to properly sit down and test it.

The tournament was an absolute blast all around! Thank you so so so so much harmonbee for all the work you put into it and your wild ideas - I'm so glad I could help proofread and heckle our ridiculous netrunnermas story filled with incredibly silly references, and it's always amazing to me how many people come down to the uni for these, even through snow and train strikes! Thank you so much also to QEH for being the best people to bounce rogue deck ideas off, for giving me a chance to test against more meta decks, and for just all being wonderful people! See you all in 2024!