Old Hollywood Glacier

CephalopodWizard 369

In making this deck, I really wanted to make use of Old Hollywood Grid. It's expensive to rez, but having one of those at the bottom of an taxing server is going to be really hard for a runner to deal with! There aren't a lot of ways to tutor upgrades, so that means running 3 of these at 4 influence each. Okay, maybe not. This means choosing an NBN identity with which to make a glacier deck. It's not as crazy as it sounds, there's some NBN ice that is never cheap to deal with (Tollbooth, Data Raven).

Economically, we really want to have The Root sitting behind Data Ward and a Data Raven/Bandwidth. A second well-iced remote should be running a campaign or used for scoring at all times. This is so important that you should mulligan if your opening hand doesn't have The Root or a Tech Startup to tutor it. There's only 6 agendas in the whole deck, so redrawing into agenda flood is pretty unlikely! You're usually aiming to ensure you can use Root money on ice if they run, or rezzing a campaign if they don't.

Agendas: the defensive game plan is that Old Hollywood Grid always works, because there's only one copy of each agenda in the deck. The Hades/Utopia/Eden fragment agendas complement this idea nicely, giving scoring benefits worthy of a 'limit 1 copy' 5/3 agenda when we already want singleton agendas! Worthiness might be arguable here. We still need a few more 5/3s, what next? Awkwardly enough, Puppet Master, Restructured Data Pool, and Reeducation are the only NBN 5/3s in existence. In a quest to take agendas that actually do something, Priority Requisition can rez a tollbooth, and SSL endorsement will give you 9 credits. Not bad, but we're out of agendas that do anything. Reeducation it is for the 6th agenda, and SYNC lets us run one fewer 5/3, saving us from having to use Puppet Master. If a better NBN 5/3 comes out, Reeducation is the first to go. SYNC also packs tag punishment right on the ID, allowing us to use fewer deck slots on tag punishment.

The scoring strategy here is to score 2 agendas, and get the 7th point from Echo chamber. Even if your opponent knows about the Echo chamber strategy, they have to check every facedown install in a glacier to stop it. The tech startups for fetching the Root also get you Echo Chamber, which is why we're only running 1 Echo Chamber. This deck has 3 Preemptive Actions in case the runner trashes Echo Chamber prematurely, so they should be saved for bringing back Echo Chamber, Tech Startups, The Root, or any agendas that land in your archives.

Strengths: There is a lot of ice in this deck, and it is perfectly reasonable to ice all centrals and 2-3 remotes with non-trivial ice. In an age plagued by Maw and Aumakua, we can make those runners work for those triggers! The runner needs 3 agendas (of 6 total in the deck) to win, while you only need 2 (and to eventually stick a Tech Startup install). Indexing/mad dash can give the runner their 7th point, but with such low agenda density (about 1/7), indexing will sometimes just whiff. Old Hollywood beneath some big ice (imagine a sever with Data Raven, Tollbooth, and Data ward at the bottom) can be really expensive for runners to get in to... twice. The ID also comes with built-in tag punishment.

Weaknesses: Film critic shuts down Old Hollywood Grid. Its inclusion on the restricted list makes it less common, and you are going to be putting tags on the runner anyways, so this won't be an omnipresent threat. The deck packs 1 MCA Informant just in case, but if you haven't seen their restricted card yet, watch out! A more serious weakness is The Root. If the runner prioritizes trashing it, you no longer get 3 recurring credits. Obviously. Nobody has been willing to dive past data raven/data ward to trash it yet, fearing Hard-Hitting News, but this deck might just faceplant without that money.

Potential changes: Maybe I should run 2x Hard-Hitting News, instead of just exploiting the fact that everyone plays around it. The ice can also be changed, I'm not sure pachinko is the best option I could be using in that slot. I will swear by IP block though. You probably don't need to be convinced about data raven, but I am almost always glad to install data ward too.

Is this a good deck? It probably isn't good enough to win tournaments, but it will win some casual games.