Derez Library

Diogene 4179

The goal if to cost money to the corp by derezzing ices. For that, the ices have to cost more than 3 creds to rez. Otherwise, you are losing.

At 3 creds or less, ices have a Str of 4 (or less). With London Library, you get the breaker for free. It will cost you 4 creds to break, usually. Keros gives you 2 creds and your ID ability gave you 2 creds initially. But it cost the corp 2 or 3 creds to rez again. Since it cost you 2 clicks, meaning 2 creds, you have a neutral credit swing.

But for bigger ices, those that cost more, breaking it the 1st time should cost you a bit less than rezzing it. About 2 credits less. With you getting creds from Keros and your ID, this is a 6 credits swing. The more you do it, the more you will swing credit in your favor.

Emergency Shutdown and Diversion of Funds will allow you to push the credits in your favor even more.

To break the rest, you have Aumakua + Datasucker. Turning wheel is for multiaccess and to accelerate your deck. The hostages are there to get and Keros faster.

There is one Xanadu to give you a bigger credit swing. Maybe even limiting the rezzing possibilities for the corp.

The problem of this deck is the setup time. To work, you need to have the corrects breaker in hand. Also, it work better if the ices are already rezzed. Meaning you either have to facecheck of have Aumakua installed beforehand.