Communing with the Devil

quatl 13

Game plan is to set up your mini-Desperado, your sort-of Daily Casts, e3 Feedback Implants, your main breaker, along with D4v1d, Medium, 3 Origami, and Datasucker. I think Quetzal is the best ID to run Faust out of because it lets you not use Faust once per turn, and she can really screw over Blue Sun. Mimic for Swordsman, Yog.0 for a central Turing.

This deck is somewhat light on both card econ and credit econ, but it seems to be enough to make 1-3 runs a turn.

The only weird match-up would be with Butchershop, but all you really need to do is get your hand size up as much as possible (I know it's not the best to give the Corp thousands of Sweeps credits, but it is better than being killed), and run tag-me.

I'm not entirely sure on Box-E, but it seemed to be a good idea to have some backup hand size increase. Also, Stim Dealer seems like a natural choice for a deck running increased hand size, but in the games I've played, I didn't really need it. I've Had Worse is really only in as an influence free Diesel, and I think I'd like to find a way to squeeze in Game Day.