Red Dawn!!!

Jamo6995 2

Idea behind this deck is to be able to run without really spending money and making money at the same time. Feedback is welcomed. Hasn't been play tested yet. Will let everyone know how it does.

27 Jul 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Maybe some Retrieval Runs to get your big breakers installed? Without Scavenge, Test Run is basically a more expensive alternative to Self-modifying Code or Special Order. I think you'd be better off with solid draw and throwing copies of Morning Star and Yog.0 into the heap, then Retrieval Running them into play.

I'd also consider a Nerve Agent if you suspect the corp is flooded.

You are running Dyson Mem Chip instead of MemStrips because you also have Underworld Contacts, which makes sense, but I feel like there's a better use of your slots here (Career Fair + Liberated Account is great).

Ice Carver is nice but not critical to the game plan since you are running Datasuckers. You might go down to one here since it's unique.

27 Jul 2015 Jamo6995

I can see Retrieval Run being good in this deck, however I elected to go with test run this way I have the option of tutoring from either my stack or heap. Thought about adding nerve agent but not sure what I can pull to make room.

  As far as dyson mem chips, I went with that not necessarily for the mem but the mu and the link strength since I'm running spinal modem and with Reina already having 1 link strength adding in 3 more for 4 total is huge. Also I know datasucker and ice Carver are the same thing but ice Carver can't be purged and with having fixed strength ice breakers the ice Carver is gonna go a long way. 

Thanks for the feedback :-)

27 Jul 2015 tomdidiot

Dies to Lotus Field. 1/10 Would not play.

27 Jul 2015 Jamo6995

@tomdidiot wow I play jinteki on a regular basis and totally forgot about Lotus field. Thank you for the feedback. I will have to consider that in my deck.