Mars Marathon

Diogene 4178

Now we are talking speed, here... for a marathon.

This attempt to speed up Sunny as much as possible. For this, we need to be able to draw a lot and fast. This is why Gachapon and Street Peddler (SP) are there. They make Sunny deck behave like a 38 cards deck. Additionnal draw will come from DreamNet and Office Supplies.

To get the best use of DreamNet, you need to be able to run cheaply. This is done with Security Nexus. Security Nexus cost you so much. To get it to work fast, I decided for the high risk, high reward card : Peace in Our Time (PiOT). Those 10 creds will let you setup Security Nexus and you'll be able to start running the next turn, putting great pressure on the corp. In all likelyhood, you'll be able to use one or maybe two PiOT. SP and Gachapon will loose you one or two of those.

Hopefully, you'll be able to get the full drip service. Getting 6 creds a turn is pretty nice, but require a lot of setup. Usually, you'll get 4 or 5. DreamNet will give you an extra cred, clicklessly if you can make uses of Jak Sinclair.

Datasucker does double duty. It allow to push the uneven ice down to an even strenght, which will usually save you 2 creds. And it allow Aumakua to break pretty much anything after two runs. Ices become very cheap.

The only multiaccess is Turning Wheel, so it is an important piece of the setup.

Citadel Sanctuary and No One Home are tech against nasty surprise. Q-Coherence Chip will allow you to have your full rig. Try to install at least one Sports Hopper.

Finally, Boomerang will allow you to put early pressure when your setup is not completed.

This is a pretty strip down version of Sunny. Lots of her tools are not used here. No White Hat or Black Hat, no Security Chip. Those are powerful card, but there are much needed slots to speed up this deck.

The reason it is a marathon, and not a sprint, is because this version of Sunny does not have a lot of multiaccess. Making her run again and again and again. This can put tremendous pressure on the corp, but does not allow for a great deal of access. Usually, the corp then has to change its strategy to glacier. Or try to go faster. For once, Sunny will not be so desperately challenged by speed.

This martian lady can run... for a long long time.

28 Oct 2020 Krams

+1 Like ;)

Peace is an interesting choice. I think it fits the deck, because Sunny can leverage her money well, even against a rich Corp.