Plastic Surgery for Andy 1.0

johncraven 317

Update: This deck placed first in a GNK with 11 players. It went 3-1. Dropped a single game to an RP with amazing draws (ELP into lotus field into 2x Nisei... yeah). One slight tweak I would make is drop the Hostage for an emergency shutdown.

Changes from Tony's deck:

1 NRE + 2 Datasucker is enough: NRE is awesome but not essential to have every game and not necessary to have it early. Its biggest advantage in Andy is to counter virus purges + frees up one MU for Medium, and the occasional Lotus Field.

Scrubber + Utopia shard with the freed up 2 influences: These cards are really good in the current meta to combat asset economy and combos, respectively. Good with Career fair.

3 Career fairs: just a really good card with Andy, and synergies with a lot of cards already core. Could drop down to 2.

3 Daily casts is a bit too much since they're not good late game. Replaced one with Dirty laundry.

3 Special order is a bit much with the amount of card draw this deck has, replaced with Hostage to tutor Kati/Scrubber.

No emergency shutdown: femme and inside job should be enough to get by, ES has stopped being good for a while.

Crisium grid is the big weakness of criminals and still is for this deck, but hopefully the scrubber helps a bit here. Sneakdoor and feint are the best answers, but awkward to put in.

Wishlist: Medium is amazing, wish I could fit another one, but seems impossible to free up 3 influence for it. Parasite is also really good to open up a server for security testing / datasucker farming.

21 Jun 2015 MapleHutt

No room for Muresh Bodysuit?

21 Jun 2015 SlayerCNV

dirty laundry with suckers, desperado, security is the greatest econ cards. Never played criminal eh?

22 Jun 2015 johncraven

@SlayerCNV wow rude. I'm crim4lyfe mang! Things have changed a bit since crick came out. It's hard to land it now. So it's better to diversify your econ with daily casts, which is amazing with career fair, which is amazing in andy. Never played with the new packs yet eh?