
binnet 299

Thanks to Andy the combo is fast to set up. Looks for a starting hand that includes The Turning Wheel. Install the key ingredients: - Snith - 1 or 2 Au Revoir - The Turning Wheel - Reflection Keep pumping RND and or HQ to stack up those TTW tokens. As you do this you will have great information on what's in HQ thanks to Reflection. When you have enough tokens on TTW or HQ is flooded with agendas, just play Corporate Scandal and then run with Blackmail to collect your rewards =)

Useful things, passive draw from Earthrise (I don't like Fisk for this deck as you want to keep cards down in RND for as long as possible. Film Critic is good against Jinteki and Midseasons decks. Hades and Utopia Shard can come in handy. Eden is not great but if they leave RND open you might as well run as see whats there, if noting interesting, make then draw the top cards and check again =)